Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. that is not a stupid reason, that is an insane reason. seriously farming cause you didnt get nudie pics? LMFAOOO pimd never ceases to amaze me. wow.
  2. Yehh. He stopped hitting her pritty quick when my entire club started farming him 😂 some people are just straight up pathetic
  3. Only if read receipts can be disabled too. Optional.
  4. Get rid of avi boxes and go back to previous hunt format 😄
  5. im new and idk if its available in their app store or it still doesn’t exist but translated pimd app so i could meet ppl who can teach me their language 😭🤘🏼
    _thickalicious_ likes this.
  6. Just talk to people in pub n ask them to teach you
    _thickalicious_ likes this.
  7. How does having a localized app help you meet people that will teach you their languages? Can't you do that on this app already? At least you'll know that you share the common language of English.

    It'd be much more efficient to actually sign up for classes or use DuoLingo or something anyway where there's actually a curriculum set up.
  8. It would be great if theres an open “all” or maybe the number of boxes to open. Or spin all.
  9. Or open boxes as you get them and not leave them to build up
  10. Remove cats/kinis as an option to use to help on eat/peace sign bars and only to use as an item. Ive heard of people having missing cats/kinis because of this.
    Watermelonpunch, WAP, Canela and 23 others like this.
  11. Support. Been so many times i almost accidently used it when hitting partys or people. Was scary af 😂
  12. I think it "fails" the hit when you do it and you'll need to restart app to see the kini/cat reappear. But I agree the option should be removed or at least minimized after the initial drop is completed.
  13. People are using items on party bars? 🤔
  14. I sometimes do if the extra pop up is annoying me so just waste the extra pots i got
  15. But don’t you want to be surprised, like when you buy scratch off lottery tickets and win nothing? 🌚
    bubbly, Granite and TheSagittarian like this.
  16. Pimd dark mode. Pub and cc etc. Are blinding in the dark even after using blue filter. A dark theme that can be toggled would be great.
  17. A feature to filter the items by their kcs/mcs while trading. It’s so hard when I’m selling 10 items at once!
  18. Fight losses leaderboard
    WAP, Skitty, spaghetti and 6 others like this.
  19. We need something like a shop where we set up what we’re selling and the price so people can instantly buy. Such as using chibis/bentos and then make it so people in Asian pub and us campus can see it.
  20. Very complex thing to code and implenent into the game. I don't think the developers have the resources for this one, but it would be nice.
    bubbly, Missio, HeartsJourney and 7 others like this.