People who were...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aisling, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. On my previous thread I talked about bf hunt. Now this is in relation to that.

    People who came back to game during bf hunt...


    *cheap furnitures*
    *cat for 3 bentos*
    *misc/stat items are cheap*
    *New Extra Curriculars Activities*

    I know these were happening even before the bf hunt but its feels like, everything is much better!
  2. ~Please excuse me for pulling a Tyler RQ~

    Yes, the game today is much better than it was when I left. It took some time to get used to it but I am so happy that now there are half price cats!

    Also all of my old furniture is completely devalued and I cannot make a profit off of them! Coming back was the best decision I ever made. My mother was brought to tears when she saw I was back online, RP'ing with my ex (it's our dirty little secret, and doing it with her makes me feel so young and mischievous).

    Although I made a massive mistake investing in all the furniture I did, my old showcase items are still worth what they once were, and some are worth more now than then so I have been afraid to sell those!

    The new Extracurricular task allows me to feel better about not being able to sell my furniture. Now I can make dorms using all the stuff I can't get rid of and put it to good use! 😊

    I screamed when I saw the new spinner set! It's so new and amazing unlike before and all these new mods are keeping the game clean.

    What a time to be active!!

    PIMD is definitely my favourite game ever and coming back to it is like a whiff of a rose that reminds me of a dear loved one or friend that I haven't seen in years! I'm so glad to be back where I belong and I know I can always get better especially when the coronavirus is wiping out my country.

    I will never make the mistake of leaving, ever again.
    LeeJarrett, Aisling and LetsGoBrandon like this.
  3. Fantastic rp kefo, you've earned a gold clap for that
  4. Everything about this years bf hunt was like COVID
  5. I mean, he did write the guide on it. 😏
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  6. As a seller... No. Just, no.

  7. Its a good reset though 🤭

  8. I feel like a new beginning has started for you 😂