Looking to pay for more VP and Exec seats in club but was wondering if there is a Bento equivalent rather than using cash? 😅 Thanks in advance!
I haven't heard of buying this sort of thing before, but when people ask to be maxed on hunt cash gifts I think they pay 1 chibi per $10b? Maybe you could go based off that, if no one else knows of a price.
If you decide to use this, I believe exec is $100B and vp is $250B, so that’ll be around 10c for exec and 25c for vp
Yeah that's a correct conversion but I'm fairly certain 5b = 1c and 10b gifts are = 2c. Those numbers are more congruent to the going rates for ts and dvp. 400b ts = 1o Where dropping a 400b tutor results in an actual loss of 150b If 10b was worth 1c, a bento would be worth 600-700b ts. Cash calculations/rates are messy and inconsistent.