LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Encore Performance: A Story Pass

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. so you can’t get all the avis if you don’t get the premium one correct? you just playing for the first tier?
  2. This is correct. Tier 2-4 need the premium version of the story pass.
    Muschi likes this.
  3. I love the avis but 249ecs for the VIP😭
  4. Okay, this is actually kinda cool
  5. Is the vip pass tradable or giftable?
  6. ... so $60 for both passes.. this better include free furniture, stats and cats. Also you can’t do both female and male at the same time anymore..
  7. It wasn't mentioned in the thread and I only see the purchasable version in the store so I'm guessing no.
    Muschi and Meira like this.
  8. Doesn’t look like it
    Sabrina4949 likes this.
  9. Y'all gave her duel wielding energy swords from Halo 😂😂😂

    but uh yeah I want giftable story passes back too, uping the price is a bit sleazy I mean if y'all wanted to milk more out of us why not make them giftable so more of your big spenders can buy more & sell them to us who can't? I liked when they were giftable so I could just pay someone bentos & still participate smh, have fun with y'alls passes tho 🤚😔
    Shark, Curvy, Sesia and 42 others like this.
  10. Is it giftable?
  11. I’ve never bought the ec version before. If I buy the ec one, do I get all the avatars or is it luck by opening the box? I feel like the box is new this story.
  12. Can someone ss the choices and post them here👀
    Jie, -_Jay_-, Thamasia and 6 others like this.
  13. make 👏 story 👏passes 👏giftable 👏again👏
    MizzRedd, Jie, Shark and 41 others like this.
  14. Once you start the story it gives you the option to pick between the female or male avi
  15. 🥺😞😔
  16. Wow truly amazing
  17. Wtf guys you really have no shame 200 and something for a teenage game?? Shame
  18. Looks like you play through the story once for one set of avis, then restart for the second set. So $25
    Mello235, Muschi, mannavhan and 2 others like this.
  19. Yep that's what I understood. Don't need to buy twice.
    Muschi, mannavhan and Day like this.
  20. Homie looks like a white chris brown, about to throw some fists with that female thotty avi