Hi nerd friends. You guys are gonna help me pick a new name for myself, thanks. 🌚 Only reason why I'm making a thread about this because I really don't know what to change to because by now I've had maybe over a hundred name changes? I don't know. I lost count about 4 years ago. To understand what I'm looking for, here are some fun usernames I've had previously: The_Cat_Who_Moos_Duck_Noises iPopcornStartWithP-EndWithOrn And here's some I've had seriously ImmortalVice NightmareVice JesterCrucifix JesterSparrow JiViceS iVice Group Names -White_Sparrow- (Sparrow) -Immortals-PsychoJester (Psycho) ImmortalVice (Immortal)(dead club. rip) Off brand names: Nintendo64 8thDeadlySin -War_Gear- So basically, I like name changing to something either: Fun: The_Cat_Who_Moos_Duck_Noises Main:Jester/Vice/Sparrow Sometimes offbrand: Current, MalikBlishtar. (Brownie points if you know where its from) Here's what I am looking for. 1. Something new like Immortal/Sparrow/Psycho 2. May include Jester/Vice/Sparrow And/or 3. Something fun. I'll pick a name I like and wall you. After that, if i choose your suggested name, you can have any 2 items from my showcase. Just no dorm things k.
If we're voting on old names, I pick NoLink Evan likes catwhomoosducknoises If we're picking new names I nominate TheOldestActivePlayer. Or GrandpaVice
Oh yeah. i forgot NotLink. I'm not really the oldest active player lol i could probably name a few. My old club tag was actually Grandpa Sparrow. 🤣
You were Notlink when we became friends. And I know you're not the oldest, but what're they gonna do about it? I say claim that title and fight anyone who tries to deny it
So far, I am really liking: GrandpaVice NoSupport I'll give it a few more hours before I change it to see if I like anything else.