ATA is slowly killing PvP

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HaBaek, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. They just killed Black Friday
  2. I’m not blown away this is my first
  3. Ru retarded this is like what the world revolves around ,
    HaBaek likes this.
  4. Slowly? They pretty much killed pvp when they introduced those peace tags lmao
    HaBaek likes this.
  5. 10/10 Grammer & insult. I’m so offended, how will I go on? 😐
    -_Hope_- and Muschi like this.
  6. Nah, it's been slowly chipped away at.

    2x pros made pvp no longer the most profitable

    Then cc

    Then all the misc items that were acquired by party hunts only

    Then they stopped graduating party plunder, yet still graduate pvp plunder

    Then peace tags

    They take a chunk out of pvp atleast once a year
    REX and HaBaek like this.
  7. You're one to talk 😏 It's spelled grammar lol
    HaBaek likes this.
  8. 10/10 original comeback on grammar.
    HaBaek likes this.
  9. did you just use someone else's comeback that they posted right above you
  10. Good point- art of war teaches of always using all the tools available. ATA took one away from the pvp players. Probably should have just removed the rs relationship benefits altogether if they didn’t want to deal with those complaints. Just guessing

    tru votes snitching on cf terms in an app game is corny.
    HaBaek likes this.
  11. I mean. I didnt mean for it to be the same lol I meant why go for grammar when you could insult their goat 🌚
  12. Am I joke to you??😤😤😂
    HaBaek likes this.
  13. only if you can tell me a punchline 🌚
    HaBaek likes this.
  14. Tbh I have an excuse for that. My step grandmother has us call her “Grammer” because she used to be an English teacher, so really it’s auto correct’s fault.
    -_Hope_- and JackPayne773 like this.
  15. Anyone who touches this app is a joke
    JackPayne773 likes this.
  16. I'll ask Google for a punchline
    iSugarDaddy likes this.
  17. its even funnier because you sarcastically called hers original

    the irony 🌚
  18. Look at all this nonsense, trying to slide this thread and get everyone off topic.


    We want something for us. We are deeply upset that you've given so much to the party players and barely thrown us a bone. The purpose of building stats is to USE them!

    We want equal plunder for pvp hits just like the party players get.

    We want event drops from pvp for EVERY hunt.

    We want EQUAL drops stat wise to what the party players recieve.

    We want equality. How come Ata preaches so much about social justice, yet segregates a group of players within their own game?

    If you complain about battles to support you get a copy paste reply about how battles are a core mechanic of the game.

    If it's the core of the game then why is it so left out?????

    Give is equality for pvp!!!!
    Kefo and HaBaek like this.
  19. We live in a simulated world 🌚 thats why it happened
  20. Yes I’m imagining someone kept crying about having to find new RS 😂.....I think maybe they shouldn’t mix something that is acquired through ecs (an rs), with stat bonuses, if they just take away the ability to break them. I think it’s dumb. It won’t change anything, however, it’s still dumb.