Friend Reject Notif // Friend Request List

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Seriously, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. I want notifs when people reject my friend request so I can cri k

    For real though, this would be really helpful when wanting to trade or something.

    Much like the “manage invites” for clubs, I think a “manage requests” for friend requests would be pretty helpful. I hate when I add someone on campus for trading and they don’t add right back, so I’m stuck trying to figure out their ign and see if they rejected my request : (

    Anyways yeah. Stuff
    Phobia and Muschi like this.
  2. These notifications would be more annoying to me than the knowledge that they haven't added back yet and not knowing whether they left the request pending or declined it.

    Once I send my request, it's theirs to manage how they want.

    It only bothers me when it's clear they're an attention flute who hoards the follows and never adds back to tell themselves they're popular and don't have time for all their suitors.

    Whenever I see one of those profiles with 1000+ followers and only a couple hundred or less friends, I roll my eyes. And if I'm one of the followers, I immediately retract it. Stop being a dingus and add some people.
    Honor, _-Star-_, _Pristine_ and 3 others like this.
  3. I want it it to say something like when you go to break up with your rs. "so sad. ):"
  4. I don't think it's necessary
    Honor likes this.
  5. I'd like it tbh but I'm also very controlling with my friends and pending requests.
    Seriously and RE-Tired like this.
  6. I like the idea, it makes sense to be able to see when a friend request is rejected since you’re able to see when gifts are rejected and when your rs breaks, support. :^)
    Seriously likes this.
  7. I dont pay enough attention to it tbh. I rarely add people and have many pending 😬
  8. I lowkey have a terrible memory for stuff I wasn't paying attention to, so i may be totally wrong but... I thought it already said something when your RS breaks up with you?

    As for rejecting requests... I kinda prefer they don't know cause I erm... don't want them to then follow me again.
  9. True. This is probably the biggest factor in the idea.