Improve the PVP System

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Inimical, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. The PVP aspect of the game is broken... we all know this. There's no way someone LCBC with a LCBC rs should be able to hit a 18mcs player that has a 6mcs rs. 180+ mcs vs 18mcs? How does that even match up?😂

    Anyways, that's besides the essence of this thread... No one should be able to hit anyone less than half their stats. Let's discuss it. The 18mcs player has 700mcs, no tuts and a 100mcs dorm. The LCBC mf has high percentages on their dorm, like 30s or 40s at least, over 100mcs in tut strength and intelligence and idek how many bcs.

    Now how in the fuck were they able to be hit? Why didn't it say DTW? But this isn't about a rant on that situation.

    The PVP aspect of the game is broken and a lot of high stat players are hitting players a tenth of their size, because they can't get a cf from anyone their size. Unfortunately, many clubs are in sfw with each other and party fairy turned farmers are too weak to successfully land on the other club, so they go outside their sfw and hit smaller stats to "bully farm" for misc.

    We ALL know players like that. Idk why ATA allows this on here, but it's the most broken PVP system PIMD has ever had. In the good old days it was all about brackets. I hit a 25-30mcs player at 12mcs, they hit me and blah blah blah. Those were the more fair times. Now there is no limit. 200kcs players can hit 25kcs players...

    No one likes this PVP system except players who can't hit other players their size. All this current PVP system does is encourage players to cheat and that's less profit for ATA. How can ATA make money when money is being spent elsewhere to make up for the unfair PVP system?

    I remember when the PVP system was decent. What happened? I know farmers and party fairies weren't complaining about the old PVP system. So was it the high stat rpers upset about not being able to hit someone who told them "no?"

    Back on track, the majority of us want a fair PVP system. We shouldn't be able to hit someone an eighth of our size and vice versa.
    MrsMyers, Galaxy, Kryys and 6 others like this.
  2. I recall they tried to reduce the buckets or something and then they reverted the decision.

    Not entirely sure whether they reverted it because of specifically the results of that issue or if it was something peripheral but I agree, the game is much larger now. The super massive buckets ain't needed, and some closer fights would be nice.

    Hopefully the devs can find a nice way to even things up a bit.
    -Fae-, Alicia, No and 3 others like this.
  3. Support, I brought this up to support years ago. As you can see, they don't care about anyone but their big spenders anymore.

    So now I stay small and don't ug until I reach my misc cap.
    -Fae-, Alicia, No and 4 others like this.
  4. May 2019 PVP changes vs
    October 2019 PVP changes when they reverted the buckets back.
    They thought the window was too narrow.
    Alicia, No, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  5. Support. The range is fuckd
    -Fae-, No, Inimical and 2 others like this.
  6. Atas reason when i said about this ages ago is. It would be unfair for the bigger stat players coz the smaller stat players will be picking fights and can get away with it coz cant get hit.

    But like. They have now got the oposit where range is so big bigger stat players can pick fights with small stats and the small stats cant hit back coz to weak.

    Their reply to that. Make friends with big stat players and get them to farm for you
  7. Support.
    No and Inimical like this.
  8. Small players have NEVER picked fights with higher stat players. People were just creating brand new alts to troll. It's big stat players picking fights with small stat players
    Alicia likes this.
  9. Just saying what ata told me when i said to them about it ages ago
    Inimical likes this.
  10. Support 🥴
    No and Inimical like this.
  11. Definitely support.
    It’s probably dicey for Ata to change it because some people take this far and spend pretty pennies to either evade hits or heavily hit. I just want to at least have a chance to hit back when a jerk decides to farm because I said no to sending noods
    Alicia and Inimical like this.
  12. Also, another valid point. In scenarios like those, why shouldn't the PVP system have a limit range? No one should be able to hit anyone less than half their stats. Heavy spenders can compete amongst each other and may the better player win, fair and square.
    Alicia likes this.
  13. 3x stats is better than half. Also wtf was the point of doing brackets the way you did, devs? Why not just go with the 5x thing? Then you can easily adjust it. 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, etc.

    Have some fractions.

  14. So much hate against the devs 😂. They are only human not easy to develop a game that’ll suit the preferences of everyone. But I love to go to extremes and I’m so disspointed when I can’t hit a pure intel build that’s way over my stats because it says defender too strong although I know if it allowed I would have been able to land on fight if they are at half regen. But yea I don’t understand how it allowed some 16mcs people to hit lcbc people like vips few days ago. Maybe it was a buy or the devs were checking something or maybe something we don’t know about like that attack bonus which expands your hit range and what if attacker and the defender both have the attack bonus would it expand the hit range even further 🤔
  15. The buckets could definitely use some adjusting yes... 🤧 support
    Inimical likes this.
  16. It’s a shame there isn’t a lot of discourse for this thread, but I hope it doesn’t die off. Half stats sounds fair, that wouldn’t horribly limit people’s range, and leaves the chance for the defender to actually defend.
    3x stats would be the same broken loop though wouldn’t it? A 10mcs would be expected to defend against a 30mcs
    Inimical and Alicia like this.
  17. This isn't so bad
  18. Out of complete curiosity, what could the 10mcs have that would allow them to defend successfully? Like would it be higher misc and tut bonus than the attacker?
    I truly don’t know which bonuses (dorm, Rs, misc, tut, etc) affect defense more, so maybe it would be plausible for defense but I don’t see any attacks from the 10mcs landing unless the opponent has lower bonuses.
    I could be wrong, so I’m open to hearing the other side! Maybe it’ll help me defend better, in the end 😆
  19. An energy bar... We all got it for free.

    Your win chance is the same for defences and attacks and they are based on the exact same things.

    You don't need items to beat them.

    Even if they had the same bonuses; patience, skill, and understanding will allow you to defeat them.
    Corgi likes this.
  20. Oh? I was taking myself as an example in asking, since I get hit by 29mcs and can’t defend about 80-90% of the time despite being almost 13mcs.
    Just wondering if maybe there’s some way to better my chances of defense, despite their higher dorm and Rs bonus