Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KOODAA, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. Hello 911, Id like to report a murder. Off Topic is dead.
    Kefo likes this.
  2. Random lel
  3. Bruh the body been dead, it's decomposing and half eaten by insects and rats. You are light-years late
    Muschi likes this.
  4. This is true, can confirm. I'm the rats
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  5. OP is still dying for my attention after like 4-5 years. Someone help op
  6. You missed the funeral bruh
  7. Make off topic a zombie n revive it
    Calyxia likes this.
  8. I missed the funeral too🤧🕴️🥀RIP
  9. Off topic gets the crumbs that discord leaves behind
  10. theres a pimd discord?
  11. Look in the announcement section and you will see atas post about it
  12. Pimd discord is the new OffTopic lol
  13. Yeah but don’t use it, stay here in forums instead or else it won’t thrive
  14. I was on pimd discord for like a week and there was nuffin going on. It's as dead as forums
  15. Pimd discord was a lame idea to begin with
  16. Since discord removed global emotes, discord got way worse for me. So not poggers!