Developers, please graduate party plunder.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kefo, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. How long til you think Ariana will get skin cancer from all that extreme tanning
  3. Probably in about 15-20 years, if she's using a tanning bed at least. She uses that tanning lotion afaik, and idk whether or not that causes skin cancer too.
  4. Wow no she will live forever
    Muschi likes this.
  5. [​IMG]
  6. did you just swear on my good christian server
  7. This is Kefo's Jewish server now ✡
    Kefo likes this.
  8. The only celebrity I actually hate
  9. Needs a tl;dr
  10. tl;dr uninstall the app or be more creative with your posts
    Kefo likes this.
  11. Sounds like something kefo needs to do
  12. I've posted basically every kind of thing, bruh.
    Don't talk out your ass.
  13. I didn't see a kefo written fanfic wym
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Oooo!!! One moment
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Cool. Looks like all you need to do now is to uninstall
  16. This. I haven’t been here long enough to know exactly what it was like prior to this “big update”. But forums are here to express opinions whether you like or not, whether you agree with it or not.
    V_Witchy_101, Muschi and Kefo like this.
  17. I've got a fan fic thread to write
    A thread asking the devs to consider homework and assignments and how they might look within this game.
    And a bunch more item price guides
  18. I am interested in learning what you mean by this though? You’re saying that they basically took away the entire “chances of landing a successful hit” on a party away? And that was the update?
  19. Sorta. When you hit a party, you are always attacking with your full strength now. You make the same plunder and have the same success rate if you unload than if you sit there and hit each bar a few times and regen to always be hitting from full energy.

    It was not like this before. You made less plunder with each hit as your energy decreased, and your chance of success with a hit decreased. You had to hit parties in a pattern and then regen to full strength to make max plunder. And while people still stayed sp on parties to avoid hits sometimes there was a trade off. They were hitting from pin so therefore they were barely making any money.
    HaBaek likes this.