Developers, please graduate party plunder.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kefo, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. So now an animal will eat it and get sick because of you? Monster
  2. wow zero accountability
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  3. No because the software engineers and mechanic-touchers on a.t.a's team mainly just try to make new features work or to make sure that the game functions rather than looking deeper at what is rotting the game.

    Claptrap was cool when they actually tried to readjust some things for pvp but that was like a year and a half ago, now. Quite and unfortunate effort from their team overall.

    I get the impression that most of the devs are artists because we don't hear much from any of them about what they are doing behind the scenes.

    Unfortunately there is very little transparency so I don't know who to address my suggestions to.
  4. Oh I agree that MB currently is highly unfair, already diminishing, greatly, the chances of successful combat against people in your own battle Bucket*.

    I'm not really talking about the entire gamut of things that make pvp unfair or fair in here. I'm just talkimg about this one feature.

    Mb's effect on pvp wasn't even solidly known or proven until like 2018. For over 2 years after this update, it was common knowledge that items were just decorative and didn't matter.

    And self pinning was a fine and valid strategy prior to this. What I'm arguing is that having the ability to farm party from pin with no penalty to plunder, is broken.

    Self pinning isn't the only strategy you can use to respond to farming and it isn't one that I think should go away
    Baphomet and Honor like this.
  5. You wouldn't categorize it as such if the devs weren't pushing it to become like The Meego and atomizing us. Clubs would defend eachother when times were harder.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  6. You're pandering to noobs in this post. Anyone who's been around for an extended period of time knows what happens to mods who publically disagree with ata. You're like middle management for the cult, and it's disgusting that people lack the critical thinking skills to see through this. You know what would help build critical thinking skills? An actual strategy game like we used to have, rather than a pay to play cult.
  7. Okay ty for clarifying that you're just interested in trolling 👍
  8. preach
  9. Imagine wasting this much time on a lame game like this one🙄
  10. I'm not trolling. You bring your ass into every thread critical of ata and shill for them. Pointing that out isn't trolling, it's helping people whom were not here before the party plunder update took place to see your motives in all the nonsense you spew.


    Everyone else who was around before the partying took center stage agrees, this was a terrible update that decimated gameplay and should be removed!
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  11. Alicia you've been posting the same shit about how this game is a waste of time, on this game, for what must be over 6 months now.

    Like what an unsubstantial and pathetic thing to drone on about, and to do it so hypocritically like you have absolutely ø self-awareness.🤧

    It's sort of funny how long you've been carrying on about how it's a waste of time. But it's also deeply concerning and sad. If you need help quitting, I'd be more than happy to help. And if you want to take another tone, I can suggest one, too. You could rp as a cow in forums for us.

    I'm getting those Omar bad, very weak, and very uninspiared, vibes. Time to shake things up! Do a crazy thing
    Nemy and Muschi like this.
  12. We all know that nothing’s gonna change anytime soon, especially when ata is making money off of it. So, stop complaining and stop making threads about things / features that aren’t gonna change. This is immature af
  13. Ur very fussy with what you think deserves a thread and what doesn't. I'd like to formally encourage you to be more charitable with yourself and others.

    The purpose of this thread was mainly to throw back to the update, to inform players about what was considered by many, and especially myself, the single worst update in the history of pimd.

    I have very little faith that the developers will listen and do it, but that is no reason to not ask. I'm an incredibly optimistic person. So optimistic, in fact, that it often puts people off.
    I am optimistic that if the grievances are laid bare, that if comprehensive and persuasive critiques which identify the ways that updates look in a wider context, and also the direct implications and how they conflict with design principles and goals. And by suggesting alternatives, that if the developers ever do come to their senses, they might consider the change and do a bit of good.

    They won't go with every idea, and this is a long shot (the update being nearly 5 years ago), but they might listen to a few.

    I have found the response to this thread to be quite amazing. Those who would defend the worst update to date, I think, lack sound critical reasoning and probably couldn't name and make a comprehensive case for any update being bad and that... That would be interesting but to not even acknowledge the negative aspects of this one is yikers.

    This was not just some other update. This update has meant many quadrillions of profit for those who party which wouldn't have been in the system is mechs remained.
    Nemy, Baphomet and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  14. I believe that you should directly write to ata if you see flaws about this game and what needs to be modified. Taking it to forums wouldn’t do you any good 👀
  15. You don't know ATA'S script yet?
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Oh trust me, I know what it is. If they don’t do anything even if you write to them directly, then what is forums gonna do? 👀
  17. 😶 when would I have ever needed to be accountable towards you?
  18. I agree with Kefo that this was a horrible update that so blatantly protected cat clubs that it made me furious. But I continued to play for four years, so that’s on me. I do not agree with all of the people telling him he shouldn’t post these opinions. You complain that forums are dead and that we need more participation. But then tell him to stop making posts about game mechanics. That makes no sense to me at all. His opinion about mechanics is generally more well thought out than other posts and it is a game forum.
    Nemy, Ro, HaBaek and 4 others like this.
  19. Okay I'm back and I don't personally agree but your thought process is solid. You explained your thought process and reasoning behind your idea which majority of these "idea" threads don't do, and plus this isn't a repeat of one of the many ideas that we see so frequently requested.

    I'll welcome controversial op-eds like this, although I don't necessarily agree 100% with the hostility from both sides of the spectrum. ATA may not care about this idea and that's their perogative, but my oh my has it injected some life intravenously into forums. My leniency as a forum police officer may be because I have a soft spot for you though, Kef.

    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  20. Communicating directly with a.t.a is very slow and boring. I've written to them with ideas, had promising talks, but at the end of it, I get bubkis.

    In forums, what do I get? The opportunity to teach people about the history of the game, provide insight on a topic, hear counter-arguments, critical questioning, get deeper, and we actually (as a community) get to really mull over and debate updates to get to some good stuff.

    I admit that a.t.a have player data and that that informs their decisions, while we only have guesses and anecdotes. Rarely do we ever hold substantial data due to a.t.a's opacity, and frankly I don't trust that they always do things because of it.

    I believe there is and ought to be drives beside popularity and profitability.

    I often cite balance as one such priority.

    The imbalance between tb and mb. In this case, considering the significant ratio of risk vs reward in both cases, heavily preferencing mb to the detriment of the game.
    Balance between what is available without spending money and what is available via spending.

    I've also long held an understanding of what the game's central idea and mechanics were intended to be. The basic fun maker of pimd, kaw, and gaw, was pvp. The idea of this huge pvp arena, with clubs and coalitions to provide safety and stability, and if you were in the know, many beautiful strategies were derived by clubs. Tiredness mattered. In most games with energy bars like pimd, low energy is the same as high energy. I thought it was really unique and cool to have a fatigue mechanic. The intricate way that you gamble about your opponent's energy and try to stay above it while hitting them to damage them is so fun! Sticking to the basic complexity of the sandbox game and retaining it is something I see as important. That's the artistic vision and direction of the game and it was very clever.
    Nemy, Muschi and V_Witchy_101 like this.