Under 12hrs left. Im gonna miss parts of it but hopefully not to much. Who else is watching? Mark is right tho. What the actul fuck. 800k watching now but the videos themself got no where near that
😱😱😱😱 You to late then. The channel and everything with it is being deleted in just over 10hrs. Its Itseraly impossible to watch all the videos in time. You missed a great channel
I meant to look at their channel and never did. If you lemme know what the best videos to check out before they are gone I can check em out after work
They have said any videos that are reuploaded will be taken down and that persons channel will be banned from youtube as well. Mark has inside links to youtube so he can make it happen easy
They're not the police and they can't actually erase anything on the internet. He can't just say "i don't want ppl to see it" and then everyone follows his wishes
If he rly wanted to make a lot of them disappear he should have done it w no notice the way Kingsley did so ppl wouldn't have time to download them all
That's not the way the internet works. Once you put something online, someone will always have a copy of it