What is jam

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Nov 12, 2020.


Have you tried jam?

  1. I have tried jam

    5 vote(s)
  2. I'm a fucking heathen

    0 vote(s)
  1. So I was describing a flavour of sherbet i was eating as lemony and like there was jam mixed in and he goes "what does jam taste like?"

    Apparently he's never had it, or maybe as a kid but he doesn't remember. He is American. I am so confuzzled. Have any of you not tried jam and if so, can you please go to your nearest gas station and buy some w some bread. Cuz wot da heck


    Idk if you look at forums but I'm outing you. Also idk where the dashes go so that likely won't link to his account
  2. [​IMG]

    I don't have words for this person......
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  3. He continued just now to say he hasn't tried soy sauce, ranch or mustard either. He doesn't like forums doe so he shan't engage w us ☹
  4. My brain is shaking. They sound like someone who doesn't season their food and they can't change my mind because they refuse to use forums.

    Edit: they probably use ketchup on everything.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  5. Jam is 50% fruit 50% sugar
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  6. I like it
  7. I like mustard powder coz it goes in salad dressing but i don't like mustard itself. Never tried ranch it sounds horrible
  8. I used to but now I dont coz to much sugar
  9. If they've had jelly before you could tell them it's like chunky jelly?
  10. Mustard is nice in sandwiches or in pasta sauce among other things. I haven't eaten ranch in years cuz dairy but I used to like dipping pizza in it
  11. Somebody make a game where we describe foods to someone who's never had them
    Kefo, Day and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  12. I said that and he goes "oh is jam and jelly not the same thing?" So ig that is my answer
  13. Hes stupid
  14. Nono. Just sheltered. Or a picky eater, I can't tell
  15. Does he not go to the shop ever?
  16. I believe his family owns a grocery store which makes this extra funny to me
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  17. Weird as fuck
  18. Omg staaahpp 💀

    But i think jam and jelly are different. Jam is chunky and jelly is smooth (?) Like, I think of it like the cranberry jelly for Thanksgiving
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  19. "In jelly, the fruit comes in the form of fruit juice. Jelly has the smoothest consistency and is usually clear. In jam, the fruit comes in the form of fruit pulp or crushed fruit. This makes jam less stiff than jelly" - google

    You is right
  20. Just call me Google from now on 🥸
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.