UPDATE Avatar shards!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Keep the zodiacs and get rid of the greeks🥺
  2. They been out for a entire year. Zodiac shards have been out for 2 years. It your own fault if you havnt even got 1 avi still
    Adam, Phobia, Maddi_Matsu and 6 others like this.
  3. Cue the panic buying
    PsicodeIica and Jona like this.
  4. TRUEEEEE tbh greek are ugly aff i really regretted getting aphro and dion after i collected them
  5. Send me all your Demeter and Zeus Shards 😌 Appreciate it
  6. Did you not look at them before collecting them? 😂
    -Baby_Pandugh- and Phobia like this.
  7. I sell shards for bentos, hmu if you're interested :p
    Phobia and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  8. OMG YES! They need to bring the ahi bags back🙄
  9. frrr the female Poseidon is so ugly. i only like the female heph and ares
    Cheeky_Niyla likes this.
  10. Its probably cause those 2 have been the most popular greek avis, or maybe it still is idk. Months ago I would have bought it too cause of the hype but tbh the more I stared at the female Aphrodite avi, the uglier it got 😂
    Cheeky_Niyla likes this.
  11. I will accept anything send any zodiac 🥺
  12. Are zodiac and Greek shards gonna be gone soon?
  13. Probably not. Zodiac shards will only be gone from the XC rewards and will be replaced with Greek shards, but you can still trade with people to get shards as long as the activators are still in the store.
    Muschi and Atlas like this.
  14. I would like to say that the zodiac avis are much more good looking than the Greek shards tho..Also hope that there would be more cool and lovely looking avis. That being said.. anyone have capricorn shards? Help me am a newbie. 🤣🤣🤣
    Cheeky_Niyla likes this.
  15. I want to collect all the zodiac only got 3 🥴. In greek avi only need two.. Dio and apollo
  16. Looking for Leo shards..... let me know 👀💕
  17. I’m legitimately curious what the new avi set will be
  18. My clubmate mentioned that birthstone avis would be cool! I'd love to see a Sapphire avi.

    I can't wait to see but I'm trying not to get too excited 👉🏼👈🏼
  19. Selling instant Pisces Sagitarus 5B and others 4:1c

    Greek shards 200:1B
  20. I’m expecting it to be the Norse gods since they’re well known and match the theme of previous shards, but as someone else mentioned, birth stones are also plausible.
    AkiraNes, Corgi and FastForward like this.