NEW FEATURE Rate My Room: A Brand New XC!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 5, 2020.

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  1. I didnt pay attention to replys lol. But that sucks. Guess i can only play the forums 1 still then. I recycled all my other furni
    Corgi likes this.
  2. Now isnt this interesting 👁👄👁
  3. Why the f I can't submit my dorm😢uwu
  4. Im just here to entertain 🤓
  5. Is the submit button not showing up or is your entry not submitting?
    If your entry isn’t submitting remember that you need at least 5 furniture pieces equipped to enter. The XC also hasn’t started yet so you won’t see your dorm on the leaderboard/getting likes until it starts.
    Kreaio and Muschi like this.
  6. Oh. Em. Gee. I love it!
    SweetB00 likes this.
  7. Ooh this seems fun
    SweetB00 likes this.
  8. Definitely thumbs down. It will turn into popularity contest. Ppl going to use alts and their fan base to assist it up. Beta test was one thing but all of pimd will make horrible.

    (Max of 5 assist ) each person can only assist 5 times per contestant. Example: if they have 500 friends that gets them 2500 assists just right there

    We want anonymous voting. Not popularity contests!!!!!
  9. Assist is gonna get abused hard core!!!!
    -Scaramouche- likes this.
  10. If you read that part again, only 5 assists will count towards your overall score. It can't be abused the way you're describing because only 5 will be counted, not 5 per friend, but 5 total. If you have 6,000 friends, only the first 5 to assist you will count. Hopefully this clears that up, I highly doubt ATA would let it become a popularity contest in that way.
  11. This!! Also all voting is anonymous, friends won’t be able to tell it’s you when liking submissions.
    Stella-Luna likes this.
  12. I don’t understand the assists aspect of it
  13. I'm really excited for this feature! I love making new dorms and collecting furni so this definitely gives more purpose and rewards to an aspect of the game I already enjoy.

    I just hope I get the update before the first XC starts! I keep checking Google play and still no update 😭
  14. Has it started already as I dont have an option to start it?
  15. Starts at changeover today, there should be a countdown timer on the upcoming tab of your XCs. But iOS users can already see the XC and pre-submit a dorm.
  16. [​IMG]
  17. Only 5 assists will count and the rest of the votes will come from the anonymous likes you get :)
    Alicia likes this.
  18. How exciting! Do we know how long/how many contests a day there will be?
  19. Rate my dorm 💕💕😡
  20. Update: got the update just a little bit ago and I was able to pre-submit my dorm!!
    ATAWanda likes this.
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