STORY PASS Día de Muertos!

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 1, 2020.

  1. I’m suddenly craving for some horchata 🤤
    RAVING likes this.
  2. Nah, This isn't what people meant buy making the story passes cheaper.

    Cheaper doesn't mean add up the cost to 249ec during the pass.

    It means make them cheaper like 149ec.
    SweetB00 likes this.
  3. Also does it bother anyone else that they call it Dia de Muertos instead of Dia de los Muertos?
  4. Yah😳 I feel bood
  5. Idk spanish fuck all so idk any different tbh 😂
  6. Is this a mistake? cause horchata cocktails are the gifts and the calavera cookies are dropping..?
  7. i have not seen avis in my shop n game is updated-.-
  8. You can buy it thru your profile when you click your avi 😊
    Muschi likes this.
  9. ohhh okay thank you!☺️
  10. O fuck good pointing that out i will ask them
    iDoubtIt likes this.
  11. Nvm i cant my tickets are still fuckd someone else ask them and asap or they might end up taking the wrong thing down on the 15th
  12. After a few uninstall and reinstalls i got them fixed and asked. Will see what they say. They wont change the coding now but they at least shouldnt take out the wrong thing. They might fix the graphic tho
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Reply from ata:

    _Blue_ likes this.
  14. Expected better for something like that🤧 2 cats and 3 kinis just for vip that isn’t that good smh disappointed again
    SweetB00 and LeeJarrett like this.
  15. Keep in mind you have 3 months to complete it. It's very likely you'll hit 3 kini parties in that time. There are open kinis advertised on campus quite often even if your club doesn't do them. And black friday is approaching, so cats should be 34EC each like always. So if you buy 2 then, it's basically 68EC for the vip avi. Compared to last year's 200EC to buy the VIP outright.
    _Blue_, Auri, Day and 2 others like this.
  16. Honestly it triggered me when I read it. 😂
    _HeIium_ likes this.
  18. This pass is scummy as hell. ATA should be ashamed of themselves for this by not saying, up front, that more money/credits would need to be spent for the VIP.

    This is completely unacceptable.
    i thort had to DROP 3 kinis as well. You DO NOT have to drop any kinis you just need to win kini partys. The ONLY thing you need to drop is the cats. Make the most of black friday friday promo and get them then. This thing aint a scam
    Muschi likes this.