Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by STIMULANT, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]

  2. I mean it doesn’t look that bad. As long as you’re active, you’re good. The tricky part is probably cats but other than that, it’s fairly simple 😜😜
  3. Like I had said in the original thread, it is a little disappointing that the story pass has a requirement of dropping cats rather than just completing the parties.

    Especially since the reward is just the VIP avi, and not anything else.

    However it is already out, and generally speaking ATA doesn’t usually adjust stories after release.

    For players who already bought it, I’d try waiting till BF since cats are usually half off!
  5. Right maybe that's their plan, basically trying to cop money off the VIP which is usually around what 20-40bucks which is kinda the price of 3kinis 2cats?
  6. I already posted this...within minutes of it going up
    Muschi likes this.
  7. I read it wrong at 1st to. You only have to drop 2 cats. Dont have to drop the kinis. Easy enuf to get into kini partys
  8. Ata just aspiring to be the new EA
    Kefo likes this.
  9. Last year it was 200EC for a VIP version of the Dia de los Muertos avis. This is more steps, but less expensive.
    Muschi, _Blue_, Maddi_Matsu and 2 others like this.
  10. They've done stuff like this before, not nuffin new
    Muschi likes this.
  11. U should proposition whatever developer thought that was a good idea