Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seiya, Oct 1, 2020.


Did you receive the same error when logging in with Facebook?

Poll closed Oct 8, 2020.
  1. Yes

  2. It worked

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  1. Myself and 1 other clubmate have experienced the same error in logging in with Facebook. I reinstalled game and it didn’t fix the issue.

    message when clicking on Facebook log in:
    Facebook OAuthException: (#200)
    Missing Permissions Type:
    OAuthException, Code: 200, Subcode: None, Error title: none, Error message: none

    sent a ticket to ata support. Anyone else having the same problem?

    please fix ASAP!
    ChickenOfTheSea likes this.
  2. Same here omg and my club is trying to complete a party. worst time.

  3. ME TOO!
  4. bless your souls. I hope the devs' efforts are expedient and they can rectify this with utmost haste.

    Prayers of Hephaestus to them and Demeter on you.
    Seiya likes this.
  5. We cant do shit we are just players to. Ata will fix it when they see your ticket
  6. The issue has been fixed for me
  7. Your use of the word "immediately" in the title makes me have no sympathy for you.
    MesozoicStray likes this.
  8. In future dont waste time posting here. You said you already sent a help ticket thats all you can do coz only ata can fix issues like that.

    /Lock coz problem solved
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