I finally just got my room the way I wanted it though after searching for furni I liked that matched the theme and color and now this comes out? ...
Interesting idea but would much rather see something where we can swap the stats of furniture. Yanno. For the indecisive people like me 🥺 or just in general for those of us who have high stat dorms that we invested in but would really like to update certain pieces of our dorms but not start over on the recycling
You must be new here that you havnt noticed the hundreds of spam on forums and the fact ata themself said NO. fuck up about it
Absolutely this. I feel like I can never upgrade anything new I do love because my dorm is already high with most things being around level 10+ so I try to rotate walls and floors to give it a new look while trapped with furniture I still love but don’t want in my dorm anymore. I’ve never thought “ooo. What if it was green”. I’ve wanted to be able to decorate my dorm and keep the stats I had. Even if it was something where you transfer the stats but you lose a level during the transfer. Something.
I suggested they should do something like make us be able to dye our furniture in that survery they asked us a few months ago. The only thing I don’t like is how you can’t change it back to it’s original color and how expensive the dyes are. I thought the dyes would come in a box of like 10 or more and you had to open them like normal ec boxes instead of spending $$ on a few packs of dye. Still a good idea though and it gives people a lot of creativity and ideas for their dorms.
My constructive criticism here OK, I understand most furniture comes from boxes and in game trading for people. Which opening boxes has it's own price tag. Some people get lucky. So let's put that aside A 499 for ATA is basically rated at $50 USD give or take. The dye packs adds $35 to it. Not only that, it takes away the item completely. I recommend a 24 hour grace period incase someone doesn't like the furniture piece. I understand why you don't want to give someone 2 of the item. However, I think at the cost of the paint they technically DESERVE to have it. Rating one furniture piece at $85 is pretty ludicrous in my opinion. At the very least, they deserve to have time to make sure it was the right decision. I'm not saying a refund on the money but a refund on the paint. I also think a 'revert back to original' should be an option at any point in time. I respectfully wish that this was a cheaper venture for people. I think if you lowered paint prices drastically people could change there room designs more freely. If changing a furniture piece cost like $5 let's say. Then people may consider changing there dorm pieces every couple months. I don't really understand what's so special about the furniture paint that it should cost this much. I understand paying the artist and coder. But you would make so much more money if paint was a cheaper item. People LOVE to change their dorms. Because new avatars and new furniture sets come out and people like to match. If painting items was a straight up $3-5 fee for every piece type period, you guys would make some hella bank. It's not like you can own two of the pieces. Which is something to be of concern for people with leveled pieces. So I'm not sure why gatekeeping the prices so high is this big of a deal. I understand yall value your artwork. The pieces look great But I think you'd make your money 10 fold including the poorer players. That's just my thoughts. I'm curious as to why you wouldn't go for that
Why can't players dye the furniture they like? Why is it just from store? If the players are given option to dye their own furniture that'll be great
Coz it takes time to recolor every single furni that exists on the game? Its not just a coding thing. They also have to physically recolor the items to be available to use.