EVENT Heckfire! In My War Dorm!

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]


    I already have a Kingdoms of Heckfire account – can I use that for this event?
    No! To be eligible for the rewards, you will have to start a brand new account from scratch in [ATA]Marceline’s realm.

    How do I make sure I get into [ATA]Marceline's realm?
    Tap on this invite link.

    How do I start a new account if I already have one?
    To disconnect your old account and start a new account, please send in a ticket to the Heckfire support team and they’ll start you off with a new account!

    Do I need an ATA ID to participate?
    Heck yes! Without ATA ID, we won’t know which Heckfire account is connected to which PIMD account. Be sure both your Heckfire and PIMD accounts are connected with the same ATA ID.


    How long do we have to earn these Heckin’ cool rewards and also beat the KAW realm?

    30 days! This event officially begins at 12 PM Pacific Time on August 20th and will end at 12 PM Pacific Time on September 20th.

    I reached [insert Town Hall level here] – why aren’t my rewards in my PIMD account yet?!

    First, make sure your Heckfire and PIMD accounts are connected with the same ATA ID. That’s how we’ll know which PIMD account to give rewards to!

    Second, you HAVE to be in the PIMD realm (117). You can double check you are in the correct realm by going to the Realm map, bottom left button then clicking the map button in the middle of the bottom of the screen (above the coordinates) and you should see the realm number at the top of your screen. That number should be 117 for PIMD.If you are in the wrong realm, please go to the Extras menu and the Invite Referral Section and enter ATAMarceline to be put in the correct realm.

    Finally, we will be distributing rewards on a daily basis at 12 PM Pacific Time. Please note that you must log in to your PIMD account within 6-12 hours of noon in order to receive your rewards at 12 PM Pacific Time. If not, you will receive them the next day :)

    This is a temporary change until we can go back to giving out rewards every hour. Thanks for your patience!

    Patience is key!

    How do we know which realm is winning the Top 250 Might War?

    Check your Heckfire mail every day after 2 PM Pacific Time! We will be sending out the Top 250 Might amounts of both realms every day.

    We will also be posting daily updates on the forums so everyone else can see!

    I'm in the wrong realm!!! How do I join the PIMD realm?
    To be placed in the correct realm, please go to the Extras menu and the Invite Referral Section and enter 'ATAMarceline' to be put in the correct realm :)

    You can double check you are in the correct realm by going to the Realm map, bottom left button then clicking the map button in the middle of the bottom of the screen (above the coordinates) and you should see the realm number at the top of your screen.

    That number should be 117 for PIMD. Please note you can only transfer realms if you are BELOW TOWN HALL 8.


    UPDATE: Due to an epic but unexpectedly high level of engagement, we will have to distribute rewards daily instead of hourly from today onwards. Rewards will be distributed Monday-Friday, ONCE A DAY between 11 AM to 7 PM Pacific Time. Temptress is working hard to get it back to hourly but in the meantime, please expect your rewards to arrive in your PIMD accounts once a day! As such, please do not worry when rewards are no longer showing up hourly when you earn them.
    #1 ATAMarceline, Aug 20, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
  2. yes
    WonderKat likes this.
  3. Whoa
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  4. ok i wont say this is too long to read but its too long to read, im just gonna download heckfire and see what happens
  5. lol not what I expected
  6. on my way
    callmebae likes this.
  7. Oh okay 👀
  8. Ugh I spent literal hours making this special infographic just for you to read.

    callmebae likes this.
  10. 🤔
    xDevilx likes this.
    callmebae and Empress_ like this.
  12. What if my PIMD and KaW accounts are the same email? 😳
  13. Free 999s, I guess I’m playing 🙃.
    UrFavGhost_xx, Lumi, Plushing and 8 others like this.
  15. Sounds fun!
  16. Oooooo cool. And also holy fuck that 3 days went by fast. Time to play some heckfire
    Queen-Moon and callmebae like this.
  17. O hell yeah
  18. I- uh. Marcie why do you do this to us? 🥺
  19. It's literally pictures so I'm not sure how that's too long to read.
    Anyway. The KaW rewards are really cool too. It'll be hard to decide which game's realm to be apart of for those that play both.
    Papi-Chulo, Woes and Ballerina like this.