Doggo 499s show me

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by MesozoicStray, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. What doggo 499s exist show me them all. No i cant look at that gallery thread coz it to much photos n duznt load. Just crashes my game. Dont needa show the gym month 1 tho. I dont like doggos that have been pumped with steroids like that 1 has
  2. there is the one in my dorm 👀
  3. Oooo i remember that 1 now
  4. I can go on a spree and find them all for you. PM me
  5. Oooo yayy
    Muschi likes this.
  6. I want a good doggo for my garage dorm coz the table 499 for the set is boring so i needa see all the doggos
  7. I think one of the Doberman 499s would fit your garage dorm. 😊
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Yehh thats tha 1 that 1st cane to my mind but wanna just see them all 1st to just see incase there another 1 thats better
    Muschi likes this.
  9. These 3 that would work good n i like the best n but idk what 1 to pick help me pick what 1

    Muschi likes this.
  10. They are all cute 🤧
  11. Idk. But can only have 1 in dorm so needa try pick just 1
  12. Sounds exhausting haha. But I think you only have to check boxes right? For the doggos
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Dumah the Doberman is my favorite. He looks really sophisticated.
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  14. Bends got super chick powers she does every thing easy
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Yehh i think im down to the bottom 2 for what 1 i want
  16. Correct. I think I got like 50+ dog 499ecs from that.
  17. Buy my starred doggo
  18. Corgis arnt tradie doggos
  19. Mmmmm between rex and dubs now i think