Cat Club Hiring

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __BRATISH__, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. I screamed that "I don't like sensitive niggas" in pub and I guess ATA felt attacked
  2. And now you will be forum banned too. Very smart move. I can tell already your club will thrive
  3. This whole thread became a yikes, good luck though.

    personally, there are way too many cat clubs what we need is counter culture/prank primer/fake art 101 clubs. The real hard ones
  4. well when you cant get in a cc club, make your own. 🌚
    __BRATISH__ likes this.
  5. Yes but most clubs are ass so my solution is, If you can't find a club you like🤷🏾‍♀️🙃Make one
  6. I have a right to say what I want weather they like it or not. You may not know your rights but I know mine. But I'm sure your ignorance will truly thrive in modern society considering it's what the world is mostly fill with now days.
  7. Speaking of the weather, it is currently 82 degrees outside and the air is at an unhealthy quality for sensitive groups.
  8. 🤣That's not how the first amendment works buddy
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  9. How about this go read a book then come back when you hold some relevance to me
  10. Ouuu a smartass👀 People like you are always entertaining
  11. How's that cat club going?
    Validation and Soy like this.
  12. We have few actual rights here. We don’t even technically own our accounts. ATA is god
  13. K fine another cc. Good luck.😌💕