Cat Club Hiring

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __BRATISH__, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. Does 8 years of pimd count as experience?
  2. What does this position pay?
  3. Unless you were an admin at a CC within that time span, no
  4. It's an admin position at a CC hun not a marketing company
  5. Ah. Humor is dead in this club. MOVING ON.
  6. Hiring" entails that you will give them some reward for work.

    Otherwise you would say enslaving or looking for volunteers.
    bloodhoney, emblem3, bb and 2 others like this.

  7. It's a CC hun the partys are the reward
  8. Riiiiip I'ma lil hurt🤧Nah I'm jp
  9. Oh so they don't have to drop their own cats?
  10. They don't HAVE to🤷🏾‍♀️They could just donate to the bank👀But their not dropping on every party. Also hun if you're not applying or planning to plz get off my thread
  11. Your excessive use of the word hun is annoying. I'm gonna take a pass.
  12. Send me 1 bitcoin and I'll admin two shifts for three months
  13. There’s this thread that you can use to look for admins too.
  14. Ok ty
  15. I don't even use Bitcoin 💀
  16. I'm sorry my vocabulary is bothering you hun. We're you prefer I use more explicit words? 🙃 Would that make you feel better hun?
  17. We can't be friends then
    bloodhoney likes this.
  18. I didn't ask to be friends,I asked for admins
  19. why you silenced?