What to do when being harassed

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Cisza, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. I’m genuinely confused by how I’m suppose to deal with dudes randomly decided to strip me of my tuts and farm me when I ask them nicely not to rehire from me like besides leaving my club and changing my name what other way is there to actually prevent being bothered by people that won’t leave you alone? Because I’m 600kcs and I have dudes that are 1mcs+ farming me all because someone decided to be rude to me and try stealing all of my tuts from me
  2. This is not harassment. It's just how the game works. You can't do anything about it lol
  3. How is it not harassment to have people constantly farming you telling you to uninstall and trying to force your club to remove you on threat of also being farmed until they also quit?
    HydroHippo likes this.
  4. Block the people and have your club admins block them as well so they can't talk to you perhaps? But PvP and stripping tutors is not harassment per the game Terms of Use.
    Maddi_Matsu, Sansa, Day and 1 other person like this.
  5. Well you can hit them back, hire their tuts, get others to farm them.
    There are always options, but nothing that happened to you is against any rules
  6. How is 27 ppl constantly spam attacking me stripping me of my tuts and telling my club to kick me not harassment and just considered pvp? That literally makes no sense when the definition of harassment is Aggressive pressure or intimidation xD
    HydroHippo likes this.
  7. Bruh that's how the game is played though? If you pressed about a game feature and find it that aggressively intimidating then why did you download a PvP game????

    It is not defined as harassment per the game Terms of Use, which you automatically agreed to upon downloading this app. 💞 You can read them here.

    Fight back, ignore them, or ask them for a ceasefire agreement.
    Chandu, Maddi_Matsu, Kefo and 2 others like this.
  8. And now u know just a fraction of wat I’ve been dealing with -_-
  9. Still, the PvP isn't harassment. You should have presented the argument as you being harassed by being suicide-baited and stuff. 🙃 This is an actual issue that needs to be addressed.
  10. Others have already summed it all up, really.
    If you block them, they can't spam you. Hiring tuts and PVP is apart of the game. There is nothing in the rules against asking other players to drop their club members. It's up to the club whether they do or not. Perhaps your club could help you in farming them back. If not, are they really that great of a club if they won't even stand with their members?
    If they continue to harass you from alt accounts even after you block them or if they send death threats or other posts publicly that break ToU, you can contact a moderator.
    (And if the posts above are anything to go off, you should contact a moderator about it)
    If the continued farming is affecting your gameplay that much, perhaps you should seek a ceasefire.
    If not, I suggest hitting back. It's a game mechanic, after all, and you might find that PVP and SFW are pretty fun.
    If you really don't feel like hitting back, you can keep yourself pinned on parties by unloading every 5 / 10 minutes.
    There are multiple options you can pursue. If you want more information on PVP and war (specifically SFW), there are guides in the forums you can search through or you can ask for tips on this thread and I'm sure something will provide some pointers.
    Chandu, HydroHippo, -_Hope_- and 4 others like this.
  11. Bruh real talk peeps be saying to hit em back but bruh dont bother, pimd pvp lackluster as fock, you'll fall asleep halfway thru an unload bruh hit a cat cafe and call it a night bruther, they cant get to you unless you let em that's all there iz 2 it bruskiiii
    HydroHippo, -_Hope_- and Libra like this.
  12. This thread is fake news. If 27 people are hitting you and you only have 135f losses, they by definition of farming aren't farming you.
    -_Hope_-, Sansa, Muschi and 4 others like this.
  13. I’m betting you overreacted about the tutor hires and said some things that encouraged them to engage you for fun.
    -_Hope_-, Maddi_Matsu, Muschi and 3 others like this.
  14. Also, you're my tut now so you better shape up and act like it. My tuts aren't wimps
    -_Hope_-, Sansa, Muschi and 4 others like this.
  15. You know what? I want some action so give me names 🌚
  16. If 27 ppl have decided she's the common enemy, her name might be the one you need.
  17. Your wall leads me to believe that all you do here is bitch about tut hires 🙄
  18. In game actions don’t necessarily equal harassment 😬
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  19. Pls hire me Julie
    -_Hope_- and RoseMilkTea like this.
  20. One day I shall
    -_Hope_- and Muschi like this.