
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. You still have to upload it to an image hosting site, but instead of getting the bb code like the old days, you get the html link now
  2. o. why is forums confusing now ):
  3. Idk but i hate it
  4. ill figure it out.
  5. Oi Vice is back?
  6. uh. uh. No? 😦 there is no Vice. I have no idea what youre talking about
  7. Who here is good at music theory and wants to write my midterm tomorrow? I'm tired and will most likely be sleeping at that time
  8. wot is music theory?
  9. Like. Reading notes. Majors and minors and scales and all the clefs and such
  10. oh that makes it sound like you making a conspiracy about music notes
  11. That's just what it's called 😔 it's the language of music
  12. but are aliens involved
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  13. No
  14. Welp. there is now
  15. You're an alien? When did you learn music theory
  16. Oh you know... just after we built the pyramids.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  17. Where's Chill when you need him?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  18. Eh
  19. Yeeeeh bruh fly higher than a ballistic missile
  20. thank fran