What goals are you trying to beat

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. I’m tryna lose weight πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
  2. Oooo cool. The main thing i learned with it is even if you say 'im ready' it duznt always mean you really are. Only when you are truely ready and 100% comitted is when you will start to lose weight. You wont do it if you have any dout. You gotta go full into it. But also remember losing weight is 80% eating right. You dont have to work out a fuck ton of hrs a day or eat only rabbit food every meal. You can eat normal food n still lose weight. Just gotta make sure not having to much calories in a day n that eating regular

    For me....all i changed was eat more regular try eat healthy where i can but really im still not really focusing on WHAT im im eat just making sure i actul do eat....and a 5km walk/run a week. And ive lost 11kg so far. And even tho ive stopped my 5km walk/runs coz my knee is to fuckd to do it....im still dropping weight coz making sure im eating good. Its a slower loss but it is still going down
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Thanks.. this so encouraging.. I’m working on my diet now..I skip meals a lot.. can’t help it.. I will try to eat regular now and in small quantity 😁😁😁😁
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Make sure you work in partnership with at least your general practioner too!
  5. Yehh i can get that. My body was in survival mode so long i got used to eating once a week max. Its taken about 6yrs to get to where i am now eating at least 2 times a day but trying to eat 5 times a day as much as i can. I set times and thats that i eat. I try do it breakfast at 8.30a then a little bit more food at 10.30a then lunch time at 12.30p then a little bit more food at 6p then i have a milo at 9p. Thats my goal to try stick to but its hard as fuck still coz still not full out of survival mode so my body doesnt always let me. You will be able to do it to....eat regular.....just takes alot of forcing yourself
  6. Also dont believe the lie of you have to eat less to lose weight. You can still eat propr meals n stuff just gotta make sure calories dont go to high but also dont go to low or it drops your motabalizum n that makes things worse
  7. Keeping my gpa from dying cause I barely have enough motivation to breathe atm
  8. Whats gpa
  9. Grade point average.

    And update to my goal: We're making an offer on a house today
  10. Ooooooo cool
  11. The stress is giving me grey hairs already.
  12. Why
  13. Waiting to see if our offer's accepted, inspections, and praying nothing falls through in escrow.

    And if all that goes in our favor and we end up buying it, we have to install a shower before we can move into it because my 6'4" husband ain't taking a bath. All while we hope our current house sells.
  14. Oooooo. Thats a fuck ton of stuff at once
  15. The joy of home ownership
  16. Are you going to rent the old one out and experiment w being a landlord or just sell it
  17. Self care isn't necessarily selfish.
  18. I realize you don't want ppl commenting on your diet but try not to skip meals too much. I used to not eat a lot when I was a teenager and I have a bunch of health issues now even though I'm not underweight anymore
  19. I really don't want to be a landlord
  20. I dont like to much stuff at once 😢 so i i gue good thing im no where near getting my house yet πŸ˜‚