Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. No the pvp hunts were all stupid n boring
  2. What Pimd Wars? 24hrs wars?? Like the good old days😢
  3. Pimd Wars and BOS is better than this only 2hrs war? What about 24hrs like they used to do
  4. no it waznt wars it was pvp. But still not enuf people want to. Plenty of people wanna play it but no one wanna start 1 set it up no one wanna teach the newer players that waznt here when wars was actul a thing people did more then partys
  5. Support
  7. True but still Pimd Wars was better the game was supposed to be a war game than partying
  8. I supported this thread in 2016, and also in 2017, then in 2018, until 2019... still i want people to hear this amazing war story, so imma bump this amazing thread back. Bring back Beta War! :):cool::p
  9. I no supported this thread in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019....and still give no support in 2020.

    Wars are awesome. Beta wars that only last two hours and where you get paired up with noobs that don't even know how to war succccccked. Very unawesome, dare I say they were even awful.

    Trash thread should be deleted.
  10. So then teach the noobs how to war
  11. I've taught probably 200+ noobs how to war.
  12. Well that good then alot complain and do nothing
  13. Support
  14. It has been 4 years.
  15. Plenty of people saying support. But how many of yous are setting up n still doing wars. Ata aint gonna waste time on something the plahers dont even put effort into