Cultural Appropriation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NurseBecky, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. Where is the line that separates what’s ok and what isn’t when it comes to cultural appropriation? I’d like to know what people’s opinions are on this because I see people get upset and offended over things, some I can understand but other times I don’t see the issue. So where do people draw the line for what’s acceptable?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. I think it’s dependent a lot on how the culture is represented.

    Personally, I believe it is solely up to the people of that particular culture to determine what is offensive.
  3. Mexican food is a good lens to view cultural appropriation through.
  4. Ok but how though?
  5. Appropriate my culture idgaf
  6. But what offends one person might not offend someone else. That’s why it throws me off ya know
  7. Oh totally. It’s so hard to try to figure out this fine line people have drawn. Especially since it’s different for every single person.

    Like personally, I’m from a more conservative city so I’m not as sensitive when things like that happen. But many people are so 😬
  8. Tex-Mex is white washed Mexican food but can still taste good despite the fact they put hot dog chili on stuff.
    Still not real Mexican food but close, a white Cowboy version if you will.

    Taco Bell and other restaurants like it are often bad versions of white washed Mexican food.
    Barely Mexican food and often don’t know what an actual taquito is or somehow mess up flan.

    Real Authentic Mexican food restaurants often go out of business because they can’t compete with big white washed Mexican food chains despite tasting better and having more variety.
    Phobia, Carrie, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  9. Pretty much, being able to get away with things that people of that culture get discriminated against for doing. Having dreadlocks, using AAVE, for example, are things that African Americans get ridiculed for but the same doesn't apply to YT persons.
  10. Nascar, deer hunting and having kids with your sistercousin does not count as culture, sir.
    Jihoon, Phobia, DarthMaul and 2 others like this.
  11. T
    The problem is, people of different cultures don't think the same. One person from that culture might think it's okay while another doesn't. I think everyone should be able to join in on any culture as long as it's not in a mocking way. Cultures are forever evolving and being intertwined with others, an individual cannot claim a culture
    Carrie and Muschi like this.
  12. I don't think there's a line, in just one culture you can have so many different opinions: some don't give a shit, others will riot forever while on the other hand you have those who just want it to be done in a respectful way, etc.
    Carrie likes this.
  13. Am I the only one that thinks Tex mex is gross tho? Lol but no that makes sense, and I know recently there’s been a lot of people upset around Halloween when people dress up representing other cultures. But like what about a little kid though? Like if my kid wants to be Pocahontas for Halloween do I have to tell her no cause she’s white? Like that seems kinda fucked up
    LeeJarrett and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  14. I think kids are allowed a pass (because what do they know) but if you decide to dress up as a slutty Native American then you know wtf you signed up for and aren’t allowed to cry about the backlash.
  15. Also yeah most Tex-mex sucks but restaurants that dance on the line between authentic mex and Tex-mex are normally pretty good.
    Carrie likes this.
  16. There’s 2 authentic Mexican restaurants in my area that are soo good tho 😫 and now I want Mexican food. Unfortunately I’m sure there’s places though where people think that tacobell is actual Mexican food.
    Carrie and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  17. Ok racïst
  18. Ok, snowflake
  19. I think supporting creators of color is important too. A huge example I see is when wanting to incorporate Native culture in your life; it is more encouraging and appreciative to buy a pair of moccasins or that pretty dreamcatcher from genuine Native creators instead of a big, non-Native-run corporation (plus the Native-made items are usually of a better quality than mass-produced items anyway). Showing your appreciation for the culture should begin with supporting the members of the culture that preserve it.
    Phobia, Carrie, WhoTfIsWesday and 3 others like this.
  20. I would agree with that. Not to mention, if anyone lives in or has been to a place like Arizona for example where you see a lot of Native American culture, and they have actual places where they sell things they’ve made.. the differences in their stuff from what you find in stores is crazy.
    Carrie, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  21. I've already trolled around and a lotta Hispanic people still love Taco Bell... even though THEIR TACOS AND OTHER SHIT IS ASS COMPARED TO HOMEMADE BURRITOS
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.