I'm sorry.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Boooooo, Jun 20, 2020.

  1. I'm sorry to the ones I've hurt. I didn't think I'd have to make this post but I do, there is just too many people and I don't even remember all the people I've out down. But yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being immature and shit talking and talking bad about you to you and to others, I'm sorry if I was the reason you had a bad night, I'm sorry if I was the reason you looked in the mirror and thought you werent good enough. I'm sorry if I was the person who made you lose friends, made a hate wave go your way etc etc. I know I've made apology post before. But I'm tired of drama and the hatred, I'm tired of making others feel and cause I feel bad. Accept this or not, just know. I'm sorry. I'll try my best to not be toxic, I'm trying to be the best me I can be.
    - CiD.
    PS. I'll still drag a b*tch if I gotta.
    Pps. Cj, if you see this. You aren't included.
    Stephy and Kefo like this.
  2. I thought this was gonna be another Mew apology post before I got to the name
    Muschi and Day like this.
  3. Smells like bitch up in here
  4. I still have no clue what's happening
    Day and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  5. Line related drama probably
    Muschi and Day like this.
  6. Cid ran one of the now-defunct shade pages. 🤔
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  7. And... who are you again?
  8. Ew
    Muschi likes this.
  9. It was a meme page last I checked
  10. Yeah, he gave it away so it's a new owner(s) as well iirc. I dunno. I unfollowed the page after it became a meme page.

    Fun fact: Cid, aka OP, used to be a semi-active forumer! You might remember him being referred to as "Lucid." He had too many IGN changes to remember though.
    Boooooo likes this.
  11. I thought it was him. His current ign looks like his sometimes ign kosdff but I wasn't sure
    Muschi likes this.
  12. I change it more than girls change their pads. :(
  13. Big ew, I was big dumb back then tbh
  14. Making period jokes. You sound like one of those "nice guys"
  15. I'm sure you gossiped about me at some point or other but I almost never looked at those pages so idk about it. So I have zero grudges ig
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  16. Uh wat
  17. Oh NVM I saw what you meant, and apologizing for my past isn't being one of those "nice guys" 😬 you sound small minded😌
  18. Tbh I never saw you posted about on any of the pages I've followed.
    She was just talking about this:
  19. That's surprising
  20. You’re just not that hated