Unpopular Opinions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jaidah, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. Sad story
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.

  2. Ok. I get what you’re saying. But also like... is this something people get shitty about? Lol like why would someone be an asshole about someone else buying clothes they can afford?
  3. I think it's more about that sustainable clothes should be accessible to everyone, and not getting angry at individuals that have the ability to purchase sustainable clothes. There's more frustration at how the system was built to be unfair in that way and that we should change it. Especially since unsustainable, cheap clothing creates more waste in the end. All clothing should be sustainable! It's good for the wallet and good for the environment.

    I've seen this argument made before irt vegan clothing. A lot of faux leather is made from plastics that are nonbiodegradable and are overall bad for the environment, plus they wear down easier. Real leather can last decades, and can decompose when tossed out. Faux leather and other faux animal-inspired-products are nonsustainable in the end because of this.
    __Cece__ likes this.
  4. I've seen it at times...like activists will sometimes tell everyone they MUST boycott the gap or smthing because they use slave labour but it's like, everyone does. The only way to avoid that regularly is used clothes or buying pricy things
    Muschi and __Cece__ like this.
  5. Leather was never a cool fashion choice anyway. Leather jackets and stuff have always been hideous to me...I can see the appeal of suede and leather in shoes to keep water out but that's all
  6. I find stuff with the tags still on it at thrift stores all the time. Despite all the "dying mall and retail apocalypse" whatever, people are still buying a lot of stuff on impulse. So they buy a $90 shirt from Nordstrom and I get to buy it almost new for $3. Ain't no shame in that.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. I used to go to thrift store but honestly the ones around me aren’t great.. there’s better ones that I’m not willing to drive to. But I get a lot from like Marshall’s
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Marshall's is like winners right? I've never actually gotten anything nice there aside from winter coats and pots and pans =/
  9. I had to google winners. But yea it looks like they’re owned by the same people. I always get jeans there, it gets frustrating sometimes cause everything’s just kinda mixed up in one pants section like thrift stores, but i have a super hard time finding jeans that fit right and I always find some there.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. I love leather personally, but I tend to gravitate more towards vintage and/or hand-me-down leather products rather than buying them brand new. They have that nice amount of being worn-in in the right places. Plus old leather smells good to me. I have a knife that belonged to my grandfather that's in a leather holster thing, and the leather holster smells nice.

    Although I will admit I draw the line at leather pants. That's just a fashion faux pas.
  11. You forgot sewing!
    This_Is_Jessie and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  12. That's true. I enjoy sewing as a hobby but I don't think activists should shame ppl into that either because it's time consuming and fabric can be expensive. Especially when first starting, all the times you'll screw up
  13. I buy fabric when it's marked down on clearance. When theres just a few yards left on the bolt my craft store will sell the rest of it for just a couple bucks.

    I guess I'm kinda a hoarder... but I like the term prepper better because my junk is organized, I use it, and it all serves a purpose.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  14. I can't wait til I have a house to hoard things in. My apartment doesn't have the space for the completely normal amount of things I do have =/ my dream is to have a deep freeze one day.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  15. Ohhhh man I don't know how I lived without my deep freezers. I need another one...or five. Mine always seem to be full.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  16. Fabric can still be made with slavery, not to mention the toxic runoff caused by dyeing textiles.

    Capitalism needs to be destroyed. We should focus on productivity instead of profits.
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  17. Lmao how many do you have???
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  18. 3
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  19. My family has 2 freezers (not deep freezers though, just upright ones) and even that doesn't seem enough.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  20. All ik is the other day I bought 3 loaves of bread cuz they were buy 3 and get them on sale and then I tried to put them in my top freezer (the kind that's a combo w the fridge) and they didn't fit and now my roommate is annoyed at me for taking too much space in the fridge =[ who invented such smol fridges
    LetsGoBrandon and Muschi like this.