The devs need to find a way to prevent new players from getting scammed [Chat Screenshots]

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WestAfricanMan, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. How hard should this be considering they managed to come up with a feature that only high stats players and people that dump money into the game can top the leaderboard?🤨

    I saw a post from @HaBaek (my favourite eavesdropper😆) regarding this but I didn't really think much of it. I didn't think it was actually happening.

    Anyways, few weeks ago, I started playing PIMD again after stopping in 2017. I had to create a new account so I'll be able message in-game support to unlock my account. I got my account back but still attached the account I used to message support to an email.

    I went back to that account and I purchased ec. I bought somethings with it and I was on the "live fabulously" leaderboard. Less than 30 seconds later, I got a friend request from someone and this is the conversation (I had to play dumb):

    P.S: I decided to mess around with her towards the ending. Imagine if cats could be used as pets😅


    I find this absolutely vile and disgusting. She really said "chibis are worth more than 999 furniture".

    What even scares me the most is that from the way she's chatting, it looks like she's done something like this before. Let's not even talk about how she really tried to buy two 999's for 5c.

    I don't know how but there should be something to protect new players against things like this. The devs should come up with ways to make the game better/fair for everyone. E.g xc leaderboards should have divisions. That's a post for after my calc exam.

    Please don't say experience is the best teacher. Somethings are not worth experiencing. Just because a parent experienced something really bad that made him/her/they/them buckle up and try to be a better person doesn't mean their child needs to experience it.

    Please fix this game.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. Explain how you think the devs could possibly control someone trading a 999 for 5c.... 🤦🏻‍♀️
    If a new player is approached by someone asking them to spend actual money for something in game they should probably get a second opinion, asking a question in campus or pub almost always gets an answer. Anyone who goes and blindly spends $200 because someone in a game told them to is an idiot and I don’t feel bad for them.
    MiaKhaIifa, No, Maddi_Matsu and 4 others like this.
  3. So... You're perfectly fine with a newbie doing a trade that isn't even remotely fair?

    New accounts being limited to a set amount of ec for the first few days or a week seems pretty good to me. Too bad that can't be in the game because ATA will lose money

    So sad :)
  4. Yup, pretty much
  5. Yes I’m fine with it I literally don’t care at all. Because again, only an idiot would spend $200 because someone on a game told them to. I’m sure an unfair trade in a game is the least of that persons problems in life.
    MiaKhaIifa likes this.
  6. Do people really spend money on a game they dont know how to play? If this does happen I'm sure it's rare, your pupil is supposed to help you out and I also feel like that doesn't happen these days.
    No, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  7. It might not happen often but the fact remains that it does and there's nothing being done to stop it.
  8. I don’t think being high stats has anything to do with this?

    But regardless, it’s not ATA’s job to police trading like that. They give you the freedom to trade at whatever rate you’d like. Ultimately it is up to the player to decide what is good and fair.
  9. It takes five seconds to open campus chat and ask "how much is _____ worth?" and avoid being scammed. Most of the newbies I try to help act like they know everything and need to be knocked off their high horse. I always get noobs walling me "Don't tell me what to do, you're not my mom" when I'm only trying to help. You just can't help some of them.
  10. Your pupil has never had an obligation to help you out.
    MiaKhaIifa, HalloQueen, No and 3 others like this.

  11. Tru votes take the deal and confirm the chibi isn’t rare.
  12. The thing about high stats isn't related. Just a side note.
    It's not ATA's job to police trading but something needs to be done to prevent newbies from getting scammed. It's almost as if they don't care
  13. I understand what you're saying about them acting like they know everything. I was vp in my previous club and there was a particular player that kept gifting high stat items (for her level) when we did cat/pizza.

    I rejected 3 times and each time, I told her to send something less than that. The 4th time, she blocked me and left the club😂
  14. But everyone that has replied so far is missing the point of my post.

    Even if they can ask in cc or even if they don't want people to tell them what to do, there should still be a way to prevent them from getting scammed. Till after like a week of playing the game or something
  15. I really feel bad for the user getting scammed but at the same time I agree that there isn't much ATA can do about it. If you can come up with some proposals that you think might be useful, please feel free to share though because it seems myself and others in this thread are at a loss.

    I'd personally like to think the person in the example you've provided doesn't have a list of victims tbh because her attempt is so outrageous. ATA can't control whether or not their users can apply common sense. Is there really anyone that is willing to drop $200 on a phone game they just downloaded because someone told them to? Just because this girl is hustling doesn't mean she's had any success.

    That being said I do recognize there are more believable scams out there that people fall for. I think the best we can do is try to popularize fair trading etiquette to players, and red flags to see. But other than that, it's just a learning lesson for the people that get scammed.
    Carrie, HalloQueen, No and 3 others like this.
  16. "Good night swettie 💕😘"

    Who the hell would trust that person tho? Also, as psylicybin said, they asked you to spend $200. Anyone who thinks anyone asking them to spend money, even small amounts, is not a scam is an idiot
    Carrie, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  17. I don't see why what I said there can't be implemented in the game. Or is there something I didn't consider?
  19. I think you had shot that one down yourself. It's implausible because it may stifle ATA's profits. Plus there's plenty of new players that are willing to spend money to genuinely grow their accounts a little faster -- I know I was, especially for getting a non-nooby avi quicker as I joined prior to shard avis -- and I'd hate for that freedom of choice to be hurt because of a few bad eggs. :(
    Maddi_Matsu, No and WestAfricanMan like this.
  20. My point there was that the devs won't implement it because their wallet will be affected. Yes, they have to make money but they also have to make the game safe

    That's why I said for the first few days. I don't think someone playing for the first time ever will suddenly decide to grow their account faster in less than 2 days. And even if they do, it wouldn't hurt to wait a day or 2.