Tulsa Watch Party!

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by LetsGoBrandon, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. I’m not going to explain the effects of global warming to you. Learn about it, or don’t. Idc. It’s a problem your children, and their children are going to have to live with in their life time. If crop can’t grow, food prices go up, people will starve. But hey, at least you can live easy knowing that you helped people in the coal industry not have to find a new job.
  2. We're talking about a lot more jobs than just the coal industry....but as a proud West Virginian I am very happy to help our miners. Also don't come at me about growing crops. When's the last time you grew your own food?

    This is an argument you will lose
  3. "don't come at me about growing crops. When's the last time you grew your own food."

    You reps 😋🌈 are so cute 😜 when you act belligerent 😘💕 and butthurt, 😋😚 like the same snowflakes 🗣️❄️ you call dems. 🎄☃️ this retort 😗🤗 makes zero sense 😍🎅 and is irrelevant 🦌💋 to the topic. 🤷‍♂️👏🏼 stop clowning 🙂✊🏼 and gaslighting 😍🥺 and actually make 🏃‍♂️ a valid response 🦸‍♀️🧚‍♀️
  4. I live in one the biggest farming states in the country. Try me.
  5. Cool. I live in the biggest coal mining state and I don't know how to be a coal miner. So I'll ask again, when is the last time that YOU, personally, grew your own food?
  6. Nice emojis. Where's your valad response? How much of your own food do you produce?
  7. I grew up on a farm. 😑
    Wyoming is the biggest coal mining state.
    However you are in one of the top ten least educated states. So there’s that.
  8. So...childhood is the last time you grew your own food then? Cool.

    And here we go with the uneducated nonsense again. If we're so uneducated how is it that you don't understand geography? Is it easy to go to school when you live 2 hours away? Is it possible to go to school when you have to drive 40 miles over mountains in the snow to get there? Are schools well funded enough to provide bussing for sparsely populated areas.. especially when most of our population lives below the poverty line?

    Nope, nope, & nope but guess what? We survive everyday through tougher struggles than most other states. And we develop a kind of intelligence that few others seem to possess...common sense, helping our neighbors succeed & the ability to plan ahead.

    So yes, many in my state don't have college degrees. But what do they need them for? I have 2 and I haven't needed one for a job ever. My husband is currently finishing his masters. Not to be some educated snob, not to make more money(because who's gonna be able to afford to pay him more?), but to help our community with his skillset.

    Congrats on your pieces of paper and crippling student debt. We prefer to live a simple, happy life. You couldn't pay me $10 million to leave the utopia that is my great state!
  9. I'm with Michael Moore on this one, I think Trump is going to win 4 more years. The media wanted Biden before he even entered the race, and he doesn't seem to be exciting any lefties to vote. In 2008, we were so excited to go vote for Obama. Now the DNC has really hurt the Bernie supporters feelings twice. The Democrats keep moving to the middle politically to be "safe", but then a bunch end up voting for Trump because of his populist views.

    I had to work that night, but having a watching party is so much smarter than being there in the crowd. There is still a pandemic going on. There is something about Trump supporters that pull me in and I can't seem to look away. My jaw is usually dropped too. I cannot wait for the day that Jared Kushner is hauled off in handcuffs, and Kentucky please vote Mitch McConnell out! Of course since this is the internet, I guess I need to say my political views are my own, and they're just that-opinions. Let's be kind to each other.
    Skye5667 and ObamaWasCorrupt like this.
  10. Why get rid of Cocaine Mitch?

    On one hand, I am 100% on team Blankenship. That man got totally screwed by the EPA's coverup. And he has assured us that Mitch is a bad man...but I don't see it. What's his beef?

    I think Mitch does a great job of rallying the GOP troops in Congress.

    So everyone please give me reasons why to hate on Mitch other than his dad got busted trafficking cocaine. Sins of the father aren't sins of the son in my book.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  11. Back up your allegations about trump on that one. Probably ain't true because you cant prove it.
    ObamaWasCorrupt and Skye5667 like this.
  12. Biden lacks the juice. I just want Bernie back.

    Unfortunately your plutocratic system and multi-million-dollar campaign budgets will keep Trump in power.

    Many could do better but lack the funding and clout.
  13. Trump is the best choice for America. So no biggie that the dems choose wacko
    Skye5667 and Z3RO like this.