This thread is about more inclusion and predominantly black avas that actually resemble black people. I noticed ATA doesn’t provide the Black community with hunts that are specifically for us. Like, Juneteenth, Black History Month etc. Or avas in shop during that time. But maybe if there’s a lot of support from the players, we can at least get more black avas implemented into future hunts. For an example, there has been hunts for the following communities •Asian. •Irish. •Indian. In the past ATA has made minimal effort to acknowledge black culture, and black holidays. Until we come together to ask for change, sadly this will continue. If ATA can create avas and special misc items for just a single holiday, yet manage to overlook a whole month dedicated to black history, what does that tell you. We’re not asking ATA to roll out a grand red carpet for us, just simply acknowledge we exist on the game. The black community plays a role keeping this game alive and deserves to have something to resonate with. I know we do get avas but not enough. I feel it’s catered to other demographics besides those of color. If there was more support given by other players, especially those of color, it would make a difference. The same way we support the BLM movement in real life, we can do it on the game as well. The system already undervalues black lives. Please don’t do the same here, ATA. 😔 Thanks For Helping Me With This LoveSosa Chilombo aka Lex JudgeMiserable Raegan-
🗣I WANNA SEE SOME CHANGE ATA! Ya not gonna continue to have me out here all busted and disgusted with these half assed melanin avas. And also representation matters.
The dudes always look like DMX starter packs and the girls can’t ever represent the normal black woman.
Preferably those that are nice with the clippers. I’m trying to see crisp line ups on the boyz HAAAAAANNNN. No more Miles Morales V1.
Black Lives Matter to non black folks only when the discussion comes up. People have been asking for more inclusive avatars for years now, this is nothing new. Black avatars have always been accessories to a hunt, not the main objective. ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
I think I've got a nice collection of tan/darker skinned avatars, albeit I think they should bring out more like Soca Singer (I'll wear her for a bit so anyone reading can see her) with the natural African hair and nice thiccness. But I did notice white avatars have been predominant recently. This may or may not be intentional, as they do plan events ahead of time (I'm not gonna jump to conclusions just yet). Also, if they can make a Pride monthly theme, I don't see why they can't as easily throw us AT LEAST a Black History Month theme. Even as a white person, I thought that was really sketchy of them.
Support. I will say though that even though hunts inspired from parts of Asian cultures have happened in the past, that Asian avatars are not necessarily represented regularly. We need consistent inclusiveness and the fact of the matter is that this doesn't happen enough, for many demographics. I was highly disappointed when BHM was skipped over this year yet they didn't miss Pride. I'm bisexual so Pride is important to me... but Pride also wouldn't exist without black transgender women. We need to celebrate and uplift black people and black culture. ATA provided information and donation links for Black Lives Matter, but it's time for them to analyze how they are inable to consistently include black people and to change that.
I agree!! I was really proud when ATA did BHM spinner avatars for 2019. I really thought it would be a yearly trend like pride month. It seriously should be!!! I think it's the LEAST ATA could do each year. ATA has made many strides to be inclusive in recent years (all kinds of cultures). However, we always have to keep pushing ATA and make our voices heard
Of Course Support. I’m sure this has been asked long before I started playing. But because everyone is finally listening or act like they are It would always be nice to see more diverse representation. From the style of Avis to the hair to getting more shades of skin tones. POC are not just caramel or dark 😶.
Considering I only use black female avas (we won’t even talk about the very select black male...cause damn), ATA needs to include more avas that actually represents us. I’m tired of using the four that I have. Shout out to ATAReinhardt, for making the two of the four that I actually use. Cause I definitely had a conversation and sending help tickets to speak to him about those last year. I digress though, ATA definitely dropped the ball during February for not having a hunt or provide avas in the store that represent Black people. Granted with everything going on, they could have dropped some avas as well in support when they made their forum topic. Pride had a full out ball. The avas are tradable, all the past Pride avas/ furniture available again to purchase, Pride spinners/time box etc. I want them to have that same energy consistently for Black people. Anyways, All Black Lives still matter though. Make Black avas matter, ATA. This was a well needed post so that we could have this discussion. Good job, best frand.
Omg yes, I agree. They go above and beyond for Pride month—avas, furniture and even avas that are tradeable. Especially after they said they would “never” do that. We can’t even get a misc item. It’s just not fair and I hope they can understand our frustrations and make a change!