"It is impossible, I think for Black Lives Matter to ever reach it's full potential until you start addressing us as well." I have no idea what's the gender of the LGBTQ person who stated that opinion, but... A little well known fact... Black people and people of color started protests and etc. for LGBTQ rights which is why there's a Pride Month. Now, a less known fact... most people are gay. Big surprise. There's just afraid to admit it for "fear of being disliked," to quote a cliche reason. Initially, I was offended at that opinion, because like wtf we're systematically targeted and born black, but then I think about it from a spiritual point of view. "Love thy neighbor." Not to mention, us African Americans were heavily involved with the LGBTQ movement so maybe they could be right. So support them too.
Correct. I also believe the thought process behind it is that by saying "Black Lives Matter," but being against LGBT people, you're saying: "Black Lives Matter*. *Except LGBT black people." Black lives matter means ALL black lives matter, even the LGBT black lives. But yes, black LGBT people -- specifically black transgender women -- have been instrumental in starting the LGBT rights movement in the U.S.
I agree with most of what you said. As for "most people are gay," idk who said that but they're wrong. The majority of ppl are straight which is why lgbt is a discriminated minority 👀 it's just popular for middle class white ppl to pretend to be certain made up genders or call themselves bi but only date in hetero relationships. It gives them oppression points or whatever
I also noticed it's really popular among like, young teenagers that are having the normal identity crisis and naïvely find solace in being hyperspecific about their gender or sexuality, which is where you get a lot of the amalgamations of random Latin and Greek roots slapped on -gender and -sexual, and then people saying stuff like "biromantic" or "homoromantic" because they don't understand LGBT history and that the -sexual means gender, not sexual intercourse, and that your sexuality is just what gender(s) you're attracted to and not when you start feeling horny for someone. Huge phenomenon I noticed while spending by formative years on Tumblr.com... luckily I'm an adult now and also most of those people have moved to Twitter (which I don't use).
No, no, no, most people are gay. I seen allegedly "straight men" yearn for James Charles. I'm trying to tell y'all. Dudes really out her thinking about boy pussy when the real deal is unparalleled, not including infections and whatnot, but you get the point