Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by PhantastiC, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Ok ok I didn’t wanna add anything to this conversation but as a black woman with both parents deployed in the military for you to say it’s fascism is a slap in the face. I wish for at least one day there was no military just to see how people like you would live or be protected. How can you even speak for all the military? I don’t know where you get your facts or who tells you this nonsense but girl you need to stop because you sound like a fool.
    Anyways apart from that I would like to inform you all that if you want to donate please do it directly to a organization owned by black people because Black Lives Matter is owned my white democrats and the money doesn’t actually go to the black communities, it goes to the DNC. Thank you for your time.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  2. I feel like you don't know what it means. Americans and western countries in general are p known for imposing their own values on other ppl
    Day, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  3. Your parents being in the military just makes you biased, not correct. Idc if it upsets you that I know the military is trash
    Day, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  4. Correct? This is not about being correct, but I have first hand knowledge. My view might be biased but I am a very fair person and always look at things from a objective perspective. Can I just say it’s so funny how your friend muchi or whatever her name is likes literally anything you post. Can you give me an example of the fascism the military has portrayed ?
  5. Okay, define it for me, please.
  6. I
    wasn’t done typing but it posted anyways. I appreciate that you have your opinion and I have mine. I just wanted to say I do not devalue it but I also want to learn what you mean as I am sure there are very different definitions for things.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Well the Canadian military is trash. We can all agree on this. 😂😂
    Muschi likes this.
  8. She wouldn’t be able to because her definition would obviously fit the narrative she wants to display. Typical left behaviour. Imagine fascism was used to refer to hitler and dictatorship but she is using it to describe people who die for her freedom. Oh well, people who think like that I don’t give them the time of day because I bet she has to google an example.
  9. Oh are they? I don’t know much about the Canadian military to have an opinion on that but I do know Canadians are too nice for their own good
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  10. Trudeau is trash
    Muschi and LetsGoBrandon like this.
  11. That’s what’s a called stereotype
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  12. Maybe, but a compliment at that. I love Canadians
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  13. Okaaayy, I think we all pretty much lost sight of what the original post wanted to draw light to. I also think this is what is happening in the world today, there’s so many opinions in the world (which is great) but no common ground and it tends to overshadow real issues at hand. I really hope racism and discrimination in any form to any race stops. #unityindiversity
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  14. Yes they're to underfunded to maintain their equipment. They can't take a ship into international waters without a US escort for fear they might break down. There's also stories about how they have fixed aircraft parts with duct tape. And of course there's all the set backs they cost us in the middle east.

    It's funny when Canadians talk crap about America, when in reality without us protecting them they'd already be a Chinese or Russian territory.
  15. I prefer my mint chocolate chip to be ice cream, not tea.
  16. I like you but your country sucks. That doesn't mean Canada doesn't suck. I can't think of one country I like
  17. I'm not even left tho. You just love to hate anyone who disagrees w you
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  18. [​IMG]
    The american government is a democracy to their own ppl. When ppl refer to them as fascists, they're talking about the imposition of their values on other countries, as I said before.
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  19. I like you too but I think my country is amazing and your country sucks.

    🤗We can still be friends though, it's boring to agree about everything
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.