Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by PhantastiC, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Uhm.. I’m sorry lol but why the fuck is no one saying shit about this? Get a fucking grip. I live in a place where rioting has been going on, supporting equality and change and protesting peacefully is the right way to go about things. Setting cars on fire in the street, throwing bricks through windows, tell me how tf you support that. Would you support it if it was your street? Your car? Your fucking window? It’s cool that I’m afraid to leave the house with my kid? Wtf is wrong with you.
  2. The US hasn't fought a war on US soil in a very very long time. One of the reasons we act as peacekeepers overseas is because we would rather deal with the conflict over there, than ignore the conflict until it spills over on to US soil. For example, we stayed out of WWII until we were dragged in because of Pearl Harbor being bombed. The US military tries to protect civilians lives at all costs.

    If our cities remain under siege by groups that intend to riot & destroy them, they will be declared enemy combatants and we will be forced once again to fight on US soil.

    I'd rather not see that happen, because I love my country, and it's gonna get bloody if it goes that far. But I do understand that violence is necessary on the world stage. We don't live in a perfect world and we never will. But honestly, I think these rioters are dummmmmmmmmmmmb for bringing it to their own communities. They are shïtting where they sleep.

    If they keep it up, the active duty military will be called in to clean up this mess, not just the national guard. If you think the the police have a brutality problem, you're just gonna lovvvvveeee living under military occupation.

    Violence is not the best way to promote change in your own communities. It's a quick way to lose support from them. People who 100% support your cause will no longer speak out in support of your cause because they do not wish to be associated with the violence and destruction.

    Stupid stupid stupid...
    Kailanie and Buwbuw like this.
  3. Oh hi there.. 💁‍♀️you must've missed my post
    PhantastiC and Muschi like this.
  4. When they use race to rile you up and set you up while you peacefully protest to try and let more chaos so they can consider you a terrosist and place a state of martial law to have complete control of the country.
  5. I did 😅 that passed me off though haha
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.

  6. 🗣like i said a lot of people peacefully protesting but they only want to focus on the looters to ignored the biggest issue which is "Racism "
    Healing, Ellyse and Muschi like this.
  7. "all lives matter" nah fam. That's racial and cultural erasure. I know as a mayosapien it's easy for you guys to go with the idea of all lives matter because you have no culture to lose in the process, but Black people do. They have a proud culture, a proud history, and it deserves recognition. You don't get to erase that because you're uncomfortable admitting that BLM because that implies that your flour-power people have been privileged and your lives HAVE AND DO matter more than theirs.
    As a bubblegum person said in a cartoon once, "peeps are made different. We don't have to understand it, we just gotta respect it."
    PhantastiC likes this.
  8. Your cause loses support when you become associated with looters & rioters. You should be denouncing it if you want to be taken seriously. Encouraging violence makes people hate your group more.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  9. And just so we're clear, here is a ss of YOU @Phan supporting violence.


    Buwbuw likes this.
  10. I don't support any 🗣violence cuz that won't solve the issue ,I simply liked the post but since your privileges so high,go off about it (cry me a river) and I don't screenshot and repost your nonsense and ignorant replies .
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. "I don't support violence I just encourage it"

    Mmmmmk, this is why your movement is turning into trash
  12. There have been peaceful protests tho that didn't devolve into riots/looting and there are recent videos of ppl peacefully protesting and not instigating anything getting teargassed by police/getting shoved and injured/police sending random bullets into large crowds. Thoughts? What are ppl supposed to do in that situation when the police are the ones instigating violence
  13. Everyone was on the protesters side to begin with. I've heard no one say George Floyd's killing was justified. But when they started with the riots, leaders of the black community should have immediately shut it down and disavowed any acts of violence.

    Instead they were silent. Have you seen the signs "White silence = Violence"?

    Well in this instance black silence was equal to violence. Your communities let it go on. Your acceptance of this violence has put the police on high alert now. You have shown what your movement will resort to if given the opportunity.

    It is the police's job to keep innocent civilians safe. If that means they have to use nonlethal tactics to disperse protesters before riots erupt than so be it.

    If the riots had never have started these tactics would have been unacceptable, but since your cards have been played it is their job to stop you before you play them again.

    The BLM movement has done this to themselves.

    Love America, you 100% have the right to protest, but you also have to deal with the consequences when your participants have shown multiple times they will turn violent.

    🙃it's also insane to me given recent events you all aren't out there protesting infringements on the second amendment yet. I think the police would think twice about using tear gas and rubber bullets at a protest where everyone was peacefully open carrying. It's a democrat dystopia out there.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  14. It’s actually been proven that undercover police officers & white people are the ones instigating violence & starting riots during most peaceful protests.
    PhantastiC, UrAClown, Healing and 3 others like this.
  15. I don't believe that just because some dudes exwife says its him. But I'll give you the benift of the doubt and say if you were actually false flagged it was probably a stress test.

    You failed.

    Disavowing any acts of violence was the correct response. Joining in on the violence is the incorrect response.
  16. I just wanna know, are for or against the movement?
    The BLM movement is not trash, thanks.

    And just so you know, many blacks have denounced and disagreed with the looting and burning of buildings. Even the Floyds and many known people have said so too.
    Healing, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  17. I’m not gonna say this hasn’t happened somewhere, but it’s not everywhere. There’s been rioting and violence happening in a lot of places and it’s not being covered on the news. To assume that’s been the case everywhere is silly
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  18. I 100% support everyone's right to protest whatever they want whenever they want. I do not support BLM because they have terrible leadership, they present no ideas for change, and they have not denounced violence in their movement.

    So go ahead and shut down cities and scream and rant, but in my opinion you look stupid until you have a unified idea of what and how you are going to bring about the changes you demand.

    BLM doesn't even know what they want. Needs clearly defined goals.

    But I still support their right to protest. Have at it. I'll fight for your right to go out there and look stupid if you want.
  19. That not what I’m doing but 👌🏼
  20. She said most, not all. And it has been shown that there are a lot of undercover ppl who don't believe in the movement joining the crowds to start violence, some police and some just rly racist ppl who want to see black ppl get hurt. There are also ppl who've been going into the crowds pretending to protest and targeting children since it's hard to attend to them in the commotion (Idk why ppl are bringing kids to riots and protests, pls don't do that, it's a serious risk for them).