Strict Gifting Requirements

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by Muschi, Dec 12, 2019.


Would you join a club with gifting rules?

  1. No way.

  2. Sure, but not one that restricts what I can and can't gift.

  3. Yes, even one that restricts what I can and can't gift.

  1. [​IMG]
    Atlas, HaBaek, -Fae- and 3 others like this.
  2. Well other than the guy who gives the gossip. I’m surprised about the current results of the poll as of today that it didn’t go up for “No way” .
    Thought I think we can somehow balance, I mean I’m not saying I’m doing the right or wrong thing. Yet some old players or so used to be 🎁 and go after admins for not being 🎁 and demand the players to be drop. Other just don’t mind not being 🎁.

    So I think at some point, players can evolve in their way of seeing 🎁/drops. All your points (except You-Know-Who - the one who demand to be gift a chibi per used of dns ) make me rethink the way I do things in a club.
    Thanks for providing this thread and the discussion. 🥰
    Muschi likes this.
  3. I think gifting dropper is stupid. It was really only something that would happen in the POTD club I used to be in. When I would drop I wouldn’t really get anything. I never gifted people. I think it’s only something prevalent in POTD clubs and for those who are newer members bc dropping a cat or a kini is a BIG DEAL for noobs....meanwhile I’m in a CC now nobody does that shit 😂
    Maddi_Matsu and Day like this.
  4. CCs typically don’t have gifting since everyone is paying or dropping in order to be there.

    But it totally depends on the club! Like mine is a POTD and we just say that gifting is appreciated, but not expected 🥳
    Bellissima, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  5. Yeah that was kinda how my old POTD club was. I left to grow in cc (currently)....I just think if you’re knowingly dropping a cat or kini in a POTD club you shouldn’t expect great things to come out bc after all most members of potd don’t pay as much for in game stuff (usually, not everyone tho) and therefore may not have as much to offer as a gift to begin with. It’s totally inconsiderate to DEMAND gifts esp. certain items are you serious?? Be grateful for anything tbh😒
  6. Mhmm that’s how I see things too. I personally don’t ask for gifts or expect any at all, since I see using a cat or kini as me donating to the club.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Definitely agree. I have no issue with people wanting to gift droppers, but I think it should be out of their own choice rather than admins and/or the dropper demanding it. It just takes the kindness out of it.
    HaBaek, Sansa, Day and 1 other person like this.
  8. Exactly. The other members weren't expecting you to drop a cat/kini, you dropped because you wanted to. You had a choice to sell your cats for bentos, but instead you willingly chose to drop it in a POTD club. Therefore, I think you shouldn't be expecting, or rather force the other members to gift you. :)
  9. I had joined a club for a bit where the president would ask if anyone would like to donate chibis for a kini. once she bought the kini & dropped, everyone HAD to gift, if not they were kicked 🤣 never again.
  10. LOL as if they didn't already gift chibis for the kini.

    A club bank for stuff like that is cool and useful, but donations should still be voluntary and the kini/cat bought with it shouldn't require further gifting
  11. hm i would say gifting is a kind gesture even if it’s just a cash gift like a rose or w/e or at the very least say thank you. imo if ur hitting free ecs parties b2b, gifting say a bb item is what 1/5 of a chibi? you could hit nearly 200 cat parties like that with a singular bento equivalent. i don’t think it’s much to ask to gift when it’s a gift whatever you want situation.

    however, my problem lies in when someone fails to even say thank you esp after multiple cats are dropped. i’ve had open cats in my solo club where droppers who just wanted to drop could drop. i always ask that hitters to gift if they can (tbh u probably can...most ppl who come are decent stats), but i notice a good number come, don’t thank the dropper, hit, and leave. that’s just my take tho idk
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  12. People who demand gifts are ridiculous, I understand they spent money or time I do it embarrassingly regularly but the demand is silly. Unless you are going to kick everyone from the club and finish that party alone, something very difficult to do especially without DNs, you're getting those items to share.
    I find most clubs that mandate gifting are clubs that usually only run cats, kinis, or invite parties and that's the sole function of the group, to buy and do ec parties, so that makes sense. That or they are super tight knit clubs with very high state requirements to join.

    Personally the whole gifting thing is a sham. You chose to buy that of your own volition knowing full and well you wouldn't be able to complete it alone and would need help. You arent loosing out on drops or items or boxes or anything else so mandating a gift is just unnecessary.
    GoddessHailey, Nia95, Sansa and 5 others like this.
  13. saw this, thought I’d share.
    dropper sets gift? Like wtf?

    °•☆•°PREMIUM PARTIES°•☆•°

    ☆🚪🔒 During 🐱👙💌 ☆💧Sets DN Limit & 🎁 ☆🎁 B4 HITTING

    ☆FAILURE 2🎁 1st Offense: Warning ⚠ 2nd Offense: 👞

    ☆Only Stats 🎁 Allowed (chibi, bb, hunts cash gift, etc)

    ☆Call 🚙🛥 W/Permission From💧
  14. I've been to clubs that has that rule lol it kinda made me not want to hit premiums

    Another thing I don't really get is the "Won here, drop here in 24/48 hrs" rule. Like what are you gonna do if they chose not to? Do they farm?
    Maddi_Matsu and GoddessHailey like this.
  15. Oh, what? I thought this was a game rule... 🤔
    I'm new, so i don't know much lol
    But my club has the gift rule, and you can gift stats or chibis.
    I can't afford a lot, so they're ok with me gifting every now and then random stat items that i have 🤔🤔
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  16. Yes, they get farm. Or paid someone to farm the player who are call cat runner until they drop or paid to compensate
    Maddi_Matsu, Sansa and Muschi like this.
  17. Clubs make their own gifting rules. You could go to a new club that doesn’t require gifting at all, or accepts gifts like Hunt boxes, shard items, whatever
    Muschi and GoddessHailey like this.
  18. Tbh I was in a club that had this rule but they were really bad at keeping up with it so I just saved everything I won and used them to pay for a cc session.

    I have the opinion that if I won it then it’s my item, but I understand that some view it as “club property” which is kinda dumb.
    Sansa and Muschi like this.
  19. Do the people on this thread know they don't have to gift?

    If you can't gift or if you think gifting for a premium party is dumb, don't hit. It's that simple lol
    MizzRedd and GoddessHailey like this.
  20. Sure but some clubs require you to gift even if you don’t hit. Also, this thread at its heart is making fun of clubs with these rules, not necessarily complaining.
    JusDreinJusDaun likes this.