What are your PIMD PET PEEVES?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by No, May 22, 2020.

  1. What are your in game pet peeves?
    Whether that be coming from you or from other people?...post your top two 💢
    For ME personally..

    #1 Hitting chat button instead of repeat action 🙈 kills me every time..

    #2 Attempting to buy and/or sell and the buyer and/or seller just stops responding..hey at least try and work with me here 🥺❣️..I don’t bite
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  2. When people ask for the ability to trade avatars
    Aei, ThePhoenix2HisSloth, No and 4 others like this.
  3. Gifting. I wish we could gift in bulk cause doing it one by one is so frustrating 😤
    Young, LeeJarrett, Yukino and 3 others like this.
  4. 1. When you ask someone how much something is & they say “offer”
    (Especially annoying when beforehand they said “wall/pm for pricing”)

    2. People who complain about getting scammed after they traded through gifts
    (I feel bad for y’all but come on it’s obvious)
  5. I don't mind the "offer?" so much (unless they say the last part beforehand) because I do it too. But what annoys me is when I give an offer and they flat out ignore me and delete my wall post. Like bruh if you didn't like my offer... give a counteroffer... So many people on here don't barter. If you didn't like my offer clearly you had a price in mind to begin with.

    But it goes both ways too. If someone asks me how much for something and I give a proper price (and I usually add "negotiable" to show I'm open to counteroffers lol) but they flat out ignore me too. Like bruh I want to sell this. If you didn't like the price I gave, hit me back with a more favorable one. Especially since I'm saying I'm flexible.
  6. Bruh don’t even get me started on bulk recycling 😭 (I just started UG)
    Choochiiiiii likes this.
  7. Sometimes I purposefully accept the gift one by one bc I know your phone will BZZZzzZzz each time 🌚 I wanna make u feel it
    Victoria likes this.
  8. FRRRR I wish people haggled!! I don’t know pricing well so if I’m too OP for something meet me in the middle 😤
    xX_DayDreamz_Xx and Muschi like this.
  9. Especially when u have to long press each one just to recycle and it takes forever 🤒
    I like the “accepting the gift” part because yeah there’s the buzzing and it also makes me feel loved but not so much the sending part ☹️😭
    No likes this.
  10. New players sending me gifts with the money they should be using to upgrade and I have to politely decline it but it feels so rude.
    LeeJarrett and Muschi like this.
  11. I hate it when ppl offer to buy my starred but then start ignoring me and when random ppl post on ur wall but actually has to post it on someone else's😑😐😑😐
  12. I hate when you’re in pvp and someone posts something dumb on your wall but then blocks you. It just makes me wanna hit them more.
    I also wish there were higher priced cash gifts, if you’re hiding cash you can only hide 100b at a time on an alt or something. And when you’re up to the 1t ug tier and higher it doesn’t help to only hide 100b
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  13. Most players would not be able to afford gifts each hunt and this would hardline prevent them from upgrading for years. Currently, most players can buy all the cash gifts and still save up to upgrade. I think it is important to do both.

    Tutors are better for hiding cash because they provide interest and are somewhat risky, and if they are no good enough, the alternative should be banking. Honestly, sending gifts to bury money is a cheap workaround that made banking defunct. It was a fine mechanic.
    Lanaya, No and Muschi like this.
  14. When I trade with someone and they delete me before I can say thank you :/
    Young, Choochiiiiii and Victoria like this.
  15. I'm guilty of this lol especially if I'm doing several trades
    Puma61, Muschi, No and 1 other person like this.
  16. My biggest pet peevet is showcase stalkers. The ones that stalk your showcase and either post on your wall or send a gift saying they wall buy stuff outta your showcase. Like 1) I didn't post I was selling anything and 2) GTFO my showcase 😑 and majority of the time they seriously underquote what the item(s) are worth.
    Choochiiiiii, Muschi and Seriously like this.
  17. Honestly if I see someone say they’re selling something, I’ll check their showcase and look for what I want anyways 😂 I’ll wall and ask if they’re selling
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  18. Or not deleting people right after a trade, only to have those people you traded/bought from keep hitting you up and sending you trades saying “buy this” or “here’s a trade, 2b”....did I say I wanted more??? NO. Stop harassing me to buy your stuff, that’s an easy way to get blocked and deleted. I hate people that are so pushy like that...if it’s not stated don’t assume I want your stuff. It was a one time deal.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth and Muschi like this.
  19. I don't mind people looking in my showcase as long as they don't randomly hmu to buy things I'm not advertising as selling. My showcase is there to be admired!

    But I've had people contact me and say, "How much for dev/mod crate items?" and I'm like. Did I say I was selling them? No.

    And they'll be like, "I'll pay a lot of bentos." Like okay... 1 million bentos each then. Price = firm. Deal or no deal. No negotiating. Want it that bad? Pay up. You said you'd pay a lot, no?
  20. Those are the type of people I was talking about lol
    Muschi likes this.