Why do people (allegedly) scam others.... What's the point in doing that

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _Thyme_, May 12, 2020.


Is scamming OK.

  1. Yes.

  2. I mean if you're spamming ur scammer it's ok

  3. Nah. It's just plain wrong and shouldn't be allowed

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. So I'm just writing this because there's literally nothing else to do, but.... Why i there (allegedly ) so many scammers on this game? I mean I get u want stuff but can't u do it in a civil way and not jut scam people to get shit.

    Also have y'all ever noticed that when a scammer gets called out via it be pub, campus, or even in PMs they get real defensive and try to say they didn't do anything even if u have proof?

    When I first started this game last year I was almost scammed by another "noob" but I was warned that that person was really an alt and has been using accounts to scam and farm people, and the person who warned me was later hit (in what I now know as SFW ) because the scammer said it's against TOU to accuse someone of being a scammer... I mean yea it is but if there's hard proof and evidence and u aren't publicly saying it and instead warning one person it's not accusing.... It's telling the truth

    People may not agree but still scamming is wrong and it's even kore messed up when u have these people that be like "gift me a piece or furniture (not starter) and I'll give u a chibi or box!!" I'm not saying all people that do that are (alleged ) scammers but some are (also this thread will probably get locked cause I'm "accusing" people which isn't true as I haven't stated any names) I should really read up on laws and etc. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ that's all folks 🐷

    Also I'm saying allegedly cause in the news it articles u say that to keep from getting in trouble.... Might be different on this game cause y'know.... 👀
    -beckyg- likes this.
  2. i feel you 🤧🥺
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  3. 👏👏🙌👐
  4. Never gift anyone anything. That's the most known lie in the game. Thats why the trade system is in place. Only purchase ec gifts from trusted sellers. Ask around and people will let u know 💖
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  5. That's what I do lol. I never gift anyone anything unless it's for hunt gift trades and I only do trades via PMs never thru gifts. And if I'm sending someone bentos in return for something I never gift all bentos until I receive what I have bought and most people that have traded with me know I do this and know I'm trustworthy as I don't accept bentos until I gift what the person has bought
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  6. Yeah and what’s annoying is that you get silenced for warning others about scammers unless it’s in pm cuz it’s against tou to call ppl out. It’s hard to trust ppl in this game and I wouldn’t recommend doing anything by gifting.
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  7. I've been silenced multiple times for warning people about known scammers... I've also been silenced for 21 days just for saying ass in pub 🤦‍♀️ not even anything nasty all I said was "don't be an ass to members of ur own club" and I was silenced for 21 days. These mods have it out for me but it's OK cause I don't like them either. Biased asf
  8. I think that this idea is true.

    It is morally wrong to abuse other player’s misunderstandings about the game, but I think ATA can only protect people from so much.

    Also, you aren’t allowed to call people scammers or identify them as such since it’s public defamation. Just think of it this way...

    If everyone could call other players things like “scammer” or other related terms, there would be nothing stopping players from badmouthing a perfectly innocent person for no reason.

    I can see and understand how frustrating it is to see players get taken advantage of, but it’s better to teach them how to avoid these situations rather than coming at the supposed offender.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  9. If you ever feel a silence is incorrect you should appeal in a ticket. And I’m sure you got the longer silence since you’ve had a previous one within the past month 😕

    Silences can stack up in a tiered system, so if you continuously get them your punishment will be worse each time.
  10. The 21 Day silence was my first silence on the game and when I trued to appeal it ATA said it was justified and but others said I should've got only a warning
  11. That’s odd? First silences are generally 24 hours. But if ATA claimed it was justified then it likely was.
  12. It wasn't justified and ATA doesn't care who gets silenced. I did the bare minimum to get silenced when there are people in pub rn asking for little kids to hit them up. That's the thing on this game can barely do anything and get silenced like God forbid u say "stfu" or "ass" in pub but if u say something like "kids 12+ hmu" all u get is people calling u out

  13. yeah I get that, but even with solid proof ata doesn’t do anything about scammers because they said that the victim “willingly” gifted. In this case willingly is quite subjective though
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  14. Moderators can’t see everything.

    It’s entirely possible that the moderator that silenced you missed the other posts about age.

    Also, if you’re certain that your silence was not valid, look at the reason for your silence, then check it in ToU. Bypassing can be silencable in certain context, so that was likely what happened.
  15. No matter the intention, if you gift someone something it is considered an act of your own will.

    Yes, it is still morally wrong. But by ATA’s ToU, the other player did not violate anything. It is treated the same as an unfair trade.
  16. Sorry but I don't feel the need to try and justify my actions anymore. When I first joined I read TOU as I always do with every new game I get. Yea mods can't see everything that goes on but I've literally seen mods in pub when people were asking for underage kids and mods just ignore it and silence people who barely do anything. I know that half of my silences are unjustified and I've tried appealing them multiple times and ATA will always say it was justified, this most goes for anyone who has been silenced for no reason ATA will always say it's justified and sending a help ticket is no better as they are barely helpful. This game needs actual nods who will really listen and not just pass u off to the next person so they won't have to do anything. It seems to me that some mods (not all) are using their mod position to their advantage and are unfairly silencing people and being biased and they only really help their own friends. I'm not gonna always these mods names cause they know who they are and know that they are being biased. I don't even care if this thread gets locked cause I know that what I'm saying is right 🤷‍♀️
  17. That’s a very narrow opinion.
  18. An opinion is an opinion... No if, and, or buts about it. I'm pretty sure some or most can agree that alot of mods are biased.... It shows alot
  19. You’re definitely entitled to your own opinion. I just think that being silenced is a two way road.

    No matter how biased a mod can be, they can’t silence you if you’re 100% innocent.
    Sansa likes this.
  20. Yea they can actually because I've been silenced even if I don't do anything worth silencing or against TOU I could tell u of the many times I've been silenced for no reason