Pay Attention

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Trendsetting, May 2, 2020.

  1. It's a free country. You have the right to be sensitive and offended by matter that is not intended to be offensive. You have every right to keep basing your reasoning on personal feelings. Your personal feelings and sensitivity don't change the message.
  3. Well if your matter wasn’t intended to be offensive then why don’t you just apologize instead of trying to tell me that I’m being sensitive? Cause obviously I’m not just being “sensitive”, your words are actually offensive to a large group of people. So it’s not just my personal feelings, its a mass of people that are hurt by people like you all the time simply because of your ignorance. It’s basically the same thing as being racist. There are better ways to convey your message and this one is not it. Doesn’t matter if you’re in a free country or not, it’s still rude either way. And why do you assume that I live in America?
  4. I’m not picking a side here, just stating an opinion... I think that as a whole we need to stop expecting other people to tip toe around things because it might offend someone. I think people who hold positions of power should follow different social etiquette because people follow and look up to them on a large scale and they represent something bigger, if they choose to be offensive behind closed doors so be it, keep it out of the public eye I guess. But at the end of the day, the person posting something on a blog or forum isn’t responsible for making sure they don’t hurt someone’s feelings.
  5. We reclaiming the R word?
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  6. So what you’re saying is that certain people shouldn’t say certain things just because they are of a higher class? Why shouldn’t that apply to everyone? Is it socially acceptable to be offensive and disrespectful as long as it’s on a public forum and you’re not rich? That is so hypocritical. You expect other people to not be offensive, yet you say it’s okay for you to be offensive yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s a person of authority or just some guy on the internet, everyone should know these things. It’s been long enough that ALL people should stop using words like retard in such a way. And yes, it is their fault if someone’s feelings got hurt, they are literally attacking someone. If I called you fat and ugly and you got mad, whose fault is it? Mine. You don’t just blame the person who was offended by your comment because obviously they wouldn’t be offended if your comment wasn’t bullshit. Just because someone isn’t rich and political, doesn’t mean they have a reason to act so rudely on a public platform.
  7. Nooooo....fat people are fat because of their own choices. It is definitely their fault they are fat
    Victoria likes this.
  8. I didn’t say anything about poor, rich, high class, low class. Plus if you’re implying that by just using the word retard is an attack against people with mental disabilities then using the word fat is an attack against anyone over weight. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Directing a comment containing the word retard at someone with mental disabilities is an attack. You’re fishing for a reason to be offended. All I’m saying is that no one should have to be carful with their speech because you have a cousin with mental disability. 98% of the world doesn’t care about your feelings, and they shouldn’t have to. I was trying to just say it nicer the first time.
  9. Obviously you don’t get it. I never implied that using the word retard was always an attack towards people with mental disabilities. Mental retardation is an actual medical condition that people get diagnosed with. I said that the way it is being used is rude and disrespectful. Using it as an insult means you’re saying that having a mental condition is something that people should hate you for. You’re saying that having a mental disability is something to be shamed for, which it isn’t. The fact that I have a cousin with a mental disability has nothing to do with the fact that these kinds of statements are rude. I couldn’t care less about my feelings. It’s like being racist, there’s all this stigma around it because it’s wrong and discriminatory. So why shouldn’t the same thing apply to things like this? Even if it wasn’t directed at people with mental disabilities, using their disability as an insult is just messed up. You can’t just go out and scream retard at someone in public, even if it’s through a screen it’s wrong. The fact that people can’t just think before they put something out in the world shows the lack maturity in you. All I ask is for people to stop being so offensive. It’s gross.
  10. 🙄🙄🙄 my points getting lost here so never mind
  11. It's not ignorant. For you to compare it to racism is racist wtf is wrong with you😂 Y'all always go to racism when your point is invalid.

    You are being sensitive, because my words have nothing to do with anyone who's mentally challenged. I don't even believe in "mentally challenged," because they are just physically incapable of doing certain things. When you're in school or if you've attended school, you notice they have more physical problems than mental problems. For you to even label them "mentally challenged" is an insult. I know a couple who can read better than Alicia and Scott.

    People aren't "hurt" by "people" like me. People are hurt by themselves. I can't hurt you or anyone else behind a screen. I can't attack you or force you to do anything. You have a mind of your own. YOU control what you do. YOU control what gets to you and what YOU misinterpret.

    If there is a large group of people offended by me being blunt, the best thing to do is ignore me, don't pay attention to me, or focus on whatever they have going on.

    If you're not from America, oh well. You still have free will as a child of God unless you're incarcerated.
  12. What you said was rude, and if you don’t want to accept that it’s fine. I’m just asking you be more sensitive when it comes to harsh words like retard. No matter how you’re using the word, just don’t be such an ass about it. Okay? Also, yes it is mental not physical, the reason why they can’t do things physically is because it is a mental disadvantage that’s restricting them from doing it. They can still do many things, such as kids with autism tend to be really smart, it’s their brain that works differently than ours. Don’t say things like that if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Have a great day 🙄
  13. You have no idea what you're talking about once again. I worked with someone who people like you label as "mentally challenged." His problems are more physical than mental. You comment on shit after getting sensitive on topics that don't concern you. Some people you label as "mentally challenged" are smarter than the people my post is about. If you can't accept being wrong, you don't have to embarrass yourself.

    "Kids with autism" having nothing to do with my post whatsoever. I've NEVER mentioned them so that's yet another poor attempt to slander my post.

    With all due respect, fuck off.
  14. Hkdndneekewn
  15. BuwBuw is a great example. This post is about retards like BuwBuw.

    Prime Example : BuwBuw one of the biggest retards in all if existence. The epitome of retarded. So retarded in fact, other players take pity on it.
  16. Boo get off the stage
  17. There it is. Doesn’t matter if you’re not attacking people with mental disabilities, you just attacked some random person using an extremely harsh word just because they judged you for YOUR bad English and hypocrisy. And yes kids with autism are mentally challenged, they have problems with brain development. They’re catagorized with kids with mental disabilities. Again, being mentally challenged doesn’t always mean you’re dumb. It’s a developmental problem, not stupidity. There are different conditions that are diagnosable, it doesn’t just mean that their dumb. Mentally challenged is a generalized term to describe people with mental disabilities, not dumbness. If you’ve really worked with kids with special needs, you should know that as well as not to use words like retard. Read a book and educate yourself.
  18. Shut up hoe. Glad to see yo punk ass back active, mf
  19. YOU...


    If YOU'VE ever had conversations with special needs kids you'd see that they're problems are more physical than mental. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN THIS TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU. Go to a school. Volunteer to help out with the special needs students and you will even find sumn of them in special needs classes solving and answering complicated problems correctly that other students struggle with.

    There is no hypocrisy here, just you pulling things out your ass that have literally nothing to do with my post. You are intentionally embarrassing yourself at this point.



    Whatever crack you smoked today, tell me who sold it to you, so I can rob him and sell it
  20. But the whole reason why you called them retarded was because? All they did was mock you. I’ve talked to plenty of kids with special needs. It’s not physical, they didn’t break their spine. It’s mental restrictions. Again, SPECIAL NEEDS DOESNT MEAN THEYRE DUMB. Because they can solve complicated math problems you say they aren’t mentally challenged but they’re physically challenged? Tell that to their doctor. I’ve done my fair share of research, my mom has been teaching me this shit since I was crawling, and my cousin is mentally retarded. You think I don’t know about these things? I’m sorry but who’s embarrassing themselves here? Because it seems like you have have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. And you’re not gonna get very much money selling that crack cause it’s shit, just like you.