I think there is guess work. People were dying from pufferfish for ages. Some animals are really complex to learn to clean and cook properly. I don't think it's as straightforward or as well-understood as you might think. And I think that any people or culture that takes those risks is likely to run into problems. While I don't think that most Chinese people eat exotic things, I think that subcultures are often permitted or shaped by a wider culture. Sometiems in a paradoxical way, things that are shunned heavily by wider society become concentrated and are done extremely in small secretive cultures. But that is usually sex and other more primal needs. Eating exotic animals probably has its roots in Chinese mysticism. Selling those animal-derived medicines like crushed seahorse for libido are from traditional Chinese medicine. These things, I see as being linked, and apathy or even veneration towards the consumption of exotic animals and seeing it as an upper-class, wealthy person's privilege can drive its popularity. Such things do not exist in a vacuum. If China had had laws surrounding clean and unclean foods, prohibiting the consumption of wacky and weird foods like Kashrut laws in Judaism, I doubt that any subculture like that would ever come to fruition.
Without a doubt, which brings us to the question, how was everyone's experience during the free one month trial of transition from democracy to medicinal police state? It definitely went Smoothly for the cartel. People were supportive of the captivity. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. It appears it's all over now, nothing we can do about it now and then it struck me that doing nothing is the only way we can fight back. Do nothing, stay at home, don't work for the fùcking billionaires, let the factories shut down, just manage two meals a day and minimise your consumption. OR live the rest of your lives in slavery, get vaccinated, get chipped and work for the vampires
We don't really do anything that's been affected by all this tbh. We're basically homesteaders. Can't relate.
You're entitled to your own opinion. I politely ask that you take your negativity to a different thread.