PC Users Suck

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Trendsetting, May 2, 2020.

  1. PC users suck. All you PC users do is cheat in every game. How do you move your characters and function so calculated using a mouse?πŸ€” Exactly, cheaters. You clearly have aim bots and programmed software to assist you. YOU STOLE THE #1 FROM ME
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  2. PS4 supremacy
  3. Xbox controllers can be plugged into PCs and there are emulators if you wanna use a dif kind of controller, such as ps3. Also ppl who don't use controllers usually use the keyboard rather than the mouse. Keyboard shortcuts are quick and easy πŸ™ƒ
  4. Oh no... do you... cheat on PC?πŸ˜”
    Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  5. I only play single player games tbh but yes...I use walkthroughs. Still love me please πŸ˜”
    Muschi and Trendsetting like this.
  6. Walkthroughs aren't bad. You're fine lmao. I meant like the mfs who play PC and use aim bots
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  7. 🀧Playing PC is fine.everyone else uses the same controls.

    What isn't fair is console players hooking up a mouse and keyboard to their console and playing against people using controller.
  8. This confirms that Kefo is a PC cheater. Don't play him in ANY games