Avatars The first two sets of avatars can be wrangled for purchase over at Molly's Corner! The next two avis will be available through the May Timer Box & available to purchase for 600EC! Spinner May Spinner Items are here until noon PST on June 1st, 2020! Dressage Saddle Horse Show Rosette Ranger the Horse Bales of Hay Collect 5 of each to have them automatically combine into... Dressage Champion Available through the Prize Spinner and May Timer Boxes until June 1st, 2020 at noon PST! Furniture Available through the Furniture Store and the Spring 2020 Furniture Box! Timer Box May Timer Box be dropping the following: โ May Spinner Items โ Hunky Herdsmen Avatar โ Ravishing Rancher Avatar The content inside this Timer Box will be available until noon PST on June 1st 2020, as is tradition.
Super cute avis but I hope the timer boxes are easier to get this month, didn't get a single one last month. And again all avis back in the box would be great.
Interesting concept, not my style at all Y'all missed an opportunity at an alien theme. I don't care for the alien theme, but I think it would have satisfied those who do. "May the Fourth be with you"?