EVENT Pirate Practice

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Care to share? πŸ˜” Keep in mind I'm an intel build.
    Dhiwatah and Day like this.
  2. πŸ˜‹ I haven't worked out an intel strategy
  3. Anyone else not getting many timer box drops this hunt?
    iHanzo and Aphire like this.
  4. The max is 3 timer boxes.
    Prim and Day like this.
  5. Interesting. Although I don't know if it would work for me because I'm not pure strength, and only recently worked on switching my build (which resulted in rather messy stats for now until I figure this out).

    But yeah... People burning notes on inactive farms to get all rewards without needing to think/strategize is a bit disappointing.
    HerValhalla and Muschi like this.
  6. I don't think the pvp rewards are worth using notes for this time around.

    I'm not even concerned with staying in the top 50 really, I drop about 10 spots everytime I sleep so I won't likely be there after tomorrow.

    The piggy banks are lucrative for my stats though. πŸ’it's big noob money
  7. Hoping for a new side story today πŸ’ž I really like this hunt
    Harpia, Ramsay and Muschi like this.
  8. 5 days in and still no side story. Awesome!!
    Sam, Muschi, Harpia and 1 other person like this.
  9. I have to say I'm a little disappointed.

    When I got to 8k I got the male avy which was fantastic because I finally got the right gender for once. Imagine the excitement I felt about reaching 18k drops in hopes of getting the vip version. NOPE, surprise surprise, I got the female vip instead.

    I greatly miss the ability to get both genders in a single box.

    Not to mention that I opened dozens of buccaneer boxes only to get the same furniture pieces one after the other.

    This has discouraged me from spending any more money on ec until I see improvements in future events.
  10. *16k
    Muschi and HerValhalla like this.
  11. Same thing on 3200 discs β€œnot eligible for the contents blah blah”.

    Keep up the great work ATA πŸ™„
    HerValhalla likes this.
  12. 3mcs Item below is a cake but description says it's a necklace of pearls and sea-shells.
  13. Care to share that strategy?
  14. I agree to what you said about opening boxes. I got 6 posters, 3 wallpapers and in others just 5 shards each. For some strange reason I feel like ATA has decided to rig their RNG systems so much that getting anything good out of boxes without spending loads of cash on the game is next to impossible
    Prim, iCocoaLove and Aphire like this.
  15. πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆnot really...
    Muschi likes this.
  16. I really think hunt Avia should go back to how they were and not in boxes
    -BB, HerValhalla, Dyst0pia and 3 others like this.
  17. Avis
    Muschi likes this.
  18. Ahoy there ATA you scallywags have a mutiny on yur hands it looks like πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ–€ we all be lookin for treasure, but make sure you follow the pirate code and split it equally. A greedy pirate gets a one way trip to Davey Jones and we all know part of that crew part of the ship forever!

    Also where is my design your own ship pirate practice contest?
    nixi3 and HerValhalla like this.
  19. Okay but how are we supposed to get the female avi with the blue coat with the pink accents?
    Harpia and ZanniCatfisher like this.