Yeah, and this falls in line with what Scott has shared about why he types/acts the way he does. That and prolonged drug abuse during his formative years.
I didn't read all of it only bits of it. N but I did say that when 1st open the thread n but been trying make me at lest try do it more
Some of it sounds true, I do think he's ill. Even if he made it all up, only someone seriously mentally ill would do that so still feel bad for him. I do think he makes up a lot of it though or he is in a v worrisome situation and doesn't realize, mostly pertaining to his alleged sexual relationship w his caregiver. Also, the broken words are usually not meant to be his child and are usually him after drinking or something. Allegedly. He likes having people worry about him and will brag about harming himself w alcohol, physical violence or starving himself so I wouldn't give him attention if I were you when he's being destructive.
I don't see how it matters if he's telling the truth or not to you. I can't tell you why other people indulge him but personally, I know a lot of people with extreme mental illness and addiction in my real life and am now instinctually drawn to people like that. Partially from empathy and wanting to make sure they're okay and partially because I get along w them better.
Okay, thank you again for everyone. I wanted to get a sense of how you guys see the situation and if any people felt skeptic like I do. Just because of curiosity and because of how absurd this is. He seems popular here and I wanted to understand why, if people are having fun with a troll or if it's serious To Ty-luka or Scott or whatever: I do not hate you, and I know people dont have perfect lifes. If you are being honest about your life I wish you well and that you finally recognize that your way of life is bad for you and for your kids and try REALLY changing, instead of wanting people to pity you and using your problems for getting attention. Instead of talking so much about how "broken" you allegedly are, listen to all these people who seem to care about you. And if you are just pretending all of this, I hope you feel some guilt for playing around with serious issues and making people feel bad for you. STOP "leaving your phone" with your "child" or pretending to be a child, because the next time I see a message saying "I am (child name) and I am 7 years old" I AM going to screenshot and report it to ATA.
He told me it was ""the child"" talking (this is all very weird and I have a hard time believing it) and also yes, he seems to be "proud" of all this destructive behavior so I just wanted to ask other people what they thought of this. Thank you.