Game Greed

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -119-, Apr 21, 2020.


Who's the actual greedy element in the Game?

  1. Apes (Ata)

  2. The Players ourselves

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  1. Players are greedier than the accused greedy Apes. Let's see what the community thinks.

    My reasoning everyone is always so quick to jump on and demand cheap prices for items and trades they want to work in their favour.
    Posting things like buying so and so for such and such... Wall me offers "op" prices will be ignored.

    Yet on the other hand they'll go sell items and op it as much as they can for profits. I get that one is of course looking to make profits and build those pretty pixels of theirs, but the greed and hypocrisy is real.
    Everyone is quick to attack and jump on the Apes for some granted questionable greedy marketing, but have you ever taken a step back and looked at just how greedy the player base itself can be??

    Let us know what you think and who you think is the greedier element 👀.
  2. Devs have to protect us from our own greed.

    They are a conpany.

    We are individuals.
  3. Why are you bothered about others so much? If they're greedy, they are.
  4. I mean, both us and ATA are greedy in different ways. But generally speaking I’d say it’s the players.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth and Muschi like this.
  5. I wouldn't say ATA is greedy because they are a company, and companies are set up to try to bring in as much profit as possible. That being said, sometimes I do think their prices can be a little more inflated than necessary, and that some of their business tactics can alienate the playerbase. But at the end of the day it is a company and it is going to go where the most profit lies.

    I wouldn't really call the playerbase greedy either; I think "entitled" would fit some players more than the word greedy. Of course, there are a few that could be considered greedy. But entitled would be more encompassing. Overall though I think majority of the playerbase is fine. Dissatisfaction is just more vocal.

    I think the devs and the players just need to have a bit more teamwork and civility. They can't have profit if they don't have players, and we can't have a game/content if we don't have the devs.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth, Day and Mich like this.
  6. Well said.

    I think in a best case scenario both the players and the devs would need to come to an understanding on where the game is heading, and the expectations for things to come as well.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. I think a new AMA like we had with Strange in the fall would be lovely, tbqh. I know Marcie said they would be open to holding another if they could be sure there wouldn't be a lot of the more abusive commentary from the playerbase we've had of late, which is understandable.
    Day likes this.
  8. It’s definitely a give and take sort of thing.

    Like yes, ATA should be willing to hear us out. But we as players need to ensure that the we’re giving constructive criticism alongside our complaints. Because how can we expect change immediately without offering a viable and well thought out solution?

    I’d love to see a Q&A again though. But like you said, it would likely need to happen once the players have calmed down a bit and gathered their thoughts.
    Muschi likes this.