NEW FEATURE Introducing: Club XCs!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. We know all y'all aren't strangers to TEAMWORK so here's a group activity for you!

    IMPORTANT: You will have to be on the LATEST version of PIMD in order to participate! Head onto the App Store to download the latest app update before you start!


    What is it?
    It looks exactly the same as a normal XC except you and your Club contribute points to it together.

    When does it start?
    Right now! There will be two (2) XCs running back to back for 24 hours each.
    This set of Clan XCs will run from April 16th, Thursday 12 PM Pacific Time
    until April 18th, Saturday 12 PM Pacific Time.

    So โ€“ how's this different from the existing XCs again?

    You're working together with your Club to collect XC points together!
    The leaderboard will show other clubs you're competing against, instead of other players.
    You can also check each club member's contributions on the "Club" tab up at the top of the XC page so you know who's really carrying the team.

    Okay well then what would happen if I joined another club while this XC is running?

    You get shunned for betrayal.
    But also, you will be able to collect rewards for tiers your new Club reaches after you've joined the club,
    but you won't be able to collect previous rewards.

    Here's a peep of what it looks like!


    Just like a regular XC, but with teamwork involved!

    I'mma just sit here waiting to see who the biggest, baddest Club in PIMD is.
  2. Came looking in forums for it and i found it.
    Dr_thc and [ATA]Queens like this.
  3. What a cool idea ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  4. Step in the right direction now all we need is new parties ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Hopa, --Tifa and littlesecrets-j like this.
  5. Like this idea! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  6. I love this! Iโ€™m excited to see how this idea pans out!
  7. Fun for people on the leaderboards that are having to hop and flash to assure their spot... ๐Ÿ™„
  8. you guys already take over collectathon xc let other people enjoy things lmfao
  9. cooool I like it
  10. Iโ€™m a huge fan of this ๐Ÿคฉ
  11. Sounds fun! We'll see how it goes but I like the idea of encouraging club teamwork again. Since these days it's all about hopping around.
  12. Looks fun, but only the club with the fastest invite parties or other premium flashes will win. For example the number 1 club right now is flashing kinis๐Ÿ’๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
    LeeJarrett, Muschi, Hopa and 5 others like this.
  13. Who gets the rewards??
    Clever_lil_Vixen likes this.
  14. Should be fair for everyone. What because I can afford to spend and others can't I should be punished for it? Okay lmfao.
  15. Also let me add.Not like hoping and having to attend all these flashes are what i'd consider " fun ".
    So ya, would be nice if we had something on the side to enjoy also. But ofc we don't.
  16. I would hardly say you're being punished, considering that vast amount of content you're able to access because of the money you spend. This introduction is to even the playing field for non-hoppers. If you want to partake in this XC, you can simply stop hopping and find a home club. You'll just miss out on the rewards you would otherwise earn because you can get past the paywall.
  17. ๐Ÿ˜ข boo hoo
    Tiramisu, DanieIIa, 0-Felix-0 and 5 others like this.
  18. Sir Iโ€™m not club hopping and Iโ€™m close to being in the leaderboard and yes, while Iโ€™m in a cat club, I could still very easily make it to the leaderboard. Stop having a pity party.