Ata/ Tapjoy shall be held responsible

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Queen-_-Roses, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. Judging from your tag that the cc gave you, you paid ihs for the third session. Thats what the ones above are saying not that you own a club.
    Oopsgottablast and Muschi like this.
  2. Damn, girl actually left the club. Thought I was calling a bluff. Lol. OP, you should retain a lawyer next.
  3. The lack of coherent writing in these posts bother me, I can hardly make out what OP is trying to say in most of them.

    Tapjoy isn't always trustworthy, so get over it. They probably have something in the small letters of their terms of service stating that you might not get all rewards so there's nothing you could realistically do about it lol.
    If you spent money, try a refund and stop spending on offers that aren't guaranteed. Buy ec directly instead, at least the purchase will give you something.
  4. I don’t know how many people have to get messed up by Tapjoy before they stop spending their time and money honestly.

    Don’t blame others when you chose to risk your money or time in exchange for EC that you could have just purchased anyways.
  5. She's cool, back her cause
  6. I've had good experiences and so have many others. It's us that make peeps think tapjoy is simple and safe and then someone gets surprise screwed
    Muschi likes this.
  7. That's just her passion showing through. She's a renegade fighting the system
    Day likes this.
  8. Oof I’ve never had offers that seemed legit honestly 🥺 It must differ from device to device.

    But either way, I don’t really get why people blame ATA or are surprised when it doesn’t work out? Because there’s a lot of things on the Internet like that 🥴
    Muschi and Carrie like this.
  9. It also differs country to country. I've had a few peeps around the world show me their offer walls and it's a whole new world out der. But which ones seem not legit to you ooc? I've done a few of the free rly big offers where you get to like level 30 in some game and then they give you the thing and I always got it. Haven't tried the others
    Muschi likes this.
  10. Those ones you listed are the ones I typically do. Sometimes I do one of the ones that has you purchase something on a game (I only do it if the amount of ECs I get is more than I would get buying it directly from the in-game shop). I also usually only start offers during 2x promos. I just got 900 ECs from the one that occurred this weekend by getting to level 15 on a game.
  11. I’ve been doing ones that give ec for things I was gonna buy anyways. Like the Disney+ bundle offer. I wanted to get it already, but I waited until my ESPN subscription expired so I could buy the bundle deal through the offer wall. Sometimes I just scroll through to check and see if they offer deals on anything I’m gonna buy regardless
    Muschi likes this.
  12. Yeah, those seem like decent ones too. Most of the valid looking offers usually do require you to pay something or to work really hard to earn the rewards. Like I worked my ass off to get to level 15 on that offer I mentioned because the offer said I had to complete it within 3 days to get the reward. But I did it!
  13. 3 days almost seems like they’re hoping you don’t make it lol but those ones and anything you buy a subscription for are also the easiest to prove you actually did. I’ve done the surveys that said they were like 10 minutes long, ended up taking 30 minutes and then I got nothing and couldn’t prove I finished it
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Yeah, only one time did I not get EC after paying during an offer and I just sent them a screenshot of the Google Play receipt I got in my email. That's all the verification they needed and I got my ECs soon after. I've had to send a few other tickets regarding game milestones too and those I got lucky with, with customer service. It takes some patience because you do usually have to wait an extra day or two for the verification to happen but I've never had to go through support and then not get rewarded. I get rewarded almost instantly more often than having to go through support though.
  15. When will people learn not to do irl cash offers
  16. I never get those honestly.

    Mine are always like “Buy DoorDash” or “Sign up for xyz”
  17. Well. You're not really missing out buying doordash since you'll probably do it anyway one of these days
  18. I would honestly, but after having to work with drivers for DoorDash at my really makes me not want to order 💀 Some of them eat the food or just throw stuff around.
    Muschi likes this.
  19. Oh yikes.

    I know someone who did the doordash offer when it was x2 rewards and i was so jealous i didn't have it. It gave quite a bit too
    Muschi likes this.
  20. Also i can confirm i signed up for the dollar shave club and it was decent asf.

    I cancelled after the 2nd order came i believe, but i was wanting to try it anyways.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.