
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pip208, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. False statements?

    Lemme correct myself, I meant a rent-a-nurse😂😂 certified nurses haven't came up with such retarded delusions... especially not the ones actually treating patients with the virus.

    There are several credible sources such as NBC news and certain media such as the ones showing what's going on in Italy that relays important information on the virus. These are all credible sources, many which your opinion contradicts.

    If you're so knowledgeable, then help save people, do something, because it's been out since 2013 and it's still unknown whether the virus is stable or not. Not to mention, you're never really the same after getting the virus because it attacks your lungs. If you have the time to argue, you have plenty of time to help people. So instead of intentionally arguing with me on every post... positively contribute to something significant.
  2. >Out since 2013
    You'd think there's such a thing as "strains" and there's a reason why it's called Covid-19... 🙄
  3. The point is we know viruses and etc. mutate, right?

    We know that people study sicknesses and etc, right?

    Why not share what's known about these viruses so every country can find a cure or a way to treat it? Why not let all of us be prepared for situations such as this one?
  4. It’s starting to get almost painful arguing with an idiot and I’m getting annoyed keeping up with this stupidity and honestly regretting saying anything at all. Live long and happy in your ignorance.
    Muschi likes this.
  5. I'm not ignorant. You can't admit that you have a different opinion based on unreliable sources. If you actually researched certain topics, you'd be more knowledgeable. I'm not an idiot and there is no stupidity involved. You've tried and miserably failed to discredit my comments and posts several times now. You should be annoyed, happy to help you continue making a fool out of yourself, free of charge. You're welcome.
  6. The DRC has never gone more than 50 days without a case since the outbreak. They're currently battling Covid19 and Ebola. The "cure" for Ebola isn't a cure. It just lessens the mortality rate. Which is why two of three new cases that appeared within the last 48 hours died.