🐰The Great Eggscape! 🥚

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]
    Alicia, Leigh, Hera and 2 others like this.
  2. They are not mean just the truth. Most of the hunts have been lacking. It like no one is trying anymore. After 2019 hunts became less amazing and more glitches and errors have been happening frequently.
    Snitcherry, Rue, HellAngels and 5 others like this.
  3. Marceline why is it you only respond to petty rudeness instead of addressing legitimate issues like the unpopular choice to turn even the most basic of avatars into a random gamble for the third hunt in a row?

    it’s like you only react if someone hurts your feelings and not to polite objections about this game’s direction.
    Snitcherry, friskyshoe, Rue and 15 others like this.
  4. There's a way to word "the truth" that isn't rude, though. For example, the way you worded this response. And the way majority of people word their critique.
    HellAngels, Alicia and 3 like this.
  5. Because that what mods only know
    People are frustrated that ata doesn't listen to them even though they say they do. Like the search bar. Most of us wanted that implemented into the games for a long time and it took them so long to do that. Most of the complains are very similar. What is the point of answers did you like the hunt if those that made that quest don't listen.
    WatercolorEyes and Dhiwatah like this.
  6. I get the frustration, but it may take more time to implement things in game even after they’re suggested.

    It’s pretty unlikely that they can just add a new feature at the drop of a hat.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. I agree. But there are mature+productive and immature+unproductive ways to handle frustration. Again, majority of people are doing it the first way, including myself. Creating a dialogue about player expectations vs developer follow-throughs is important. There's a few people that need to calm their inner Karens. Criticism that isn't constructive can distract from criticism that is constructive, as you can see from Marcie only replying to the hateful comments. Leaving people that left legitimate problems feeling like they weren't heard. Perhaps that is partly Marcie's fault, but in the same token very, very negative commentary is going to stick out more and will have less of a productive effect.
    Hauntress, Kuien, 3 and 2 others like this.
  8. The pink hair guy look like bangalore from apex im in love 😻
  9. That is not wrong, there are people who really take it too far and the toxicity breeds more toxicity. And instead of mods and dev's helping out they fall into that toxicity and pettiness as well. I don't ever expect anything from the mods and the dev's anymore. The dev's used to be more active and friendly towards the community instead of becoming part of the toxic problem.
    Isla, -bae, iEllie and 5 others like this.
  10. Yup! It's a vicious cycle of toxicity. :(
    This_Is_Jessie and Day like this.
  11. Honestly, I don’t feel heard or appreciated as a player, especially since I don’t spend the sort of money that makes me attractive to ATA as a customer.

    And as the gap between cost to keep up with the game and value received increases, I’m less likely to spend, and thus less likely to be the sort of customer they want to retain.

    This game sometimes feels actively hostile to casuals, especially in the past few months.
    Dratini, Olvianne, Rue and 16 others like this.
  12. It has always been a bit hostile to casuals before but now it's like they don't care for anyone but those who spend a lot of money. And even then those who spend so much money are ignored unless they rub elbows with mods or ata. My friend got 1st place in the lb and they didn't give her the pee background for it for days. At least before they pretended to care but that is the last thing I'll say about the whole matter or else I'll be label a toxic player and silenced like some people have been. Not those who actually deserve to be silenced and banned.
  13. 😂😂😂 bolded part made me lol
    Day likes this.
  14. Good old 'marcie back at it again 🤭
    WatercolorEyes and saccharine like this.
  15. Shard avis could have been so much better ;-;
    vizine, Rue, WatercolorEyes and 5 others like this.
  16. The Pee Background 😳
    Muschi likes this.
  17. Oh my god, that blue Rococo dress IS TO DIE FOR! 😻😻😻✨ Great job with the avatars! 💗
    Krishthi likes this.
  18. Cute! Always love pastel Avis. Furni looks super cute too
    FireWalkWithMe and Jinger like this.
  19. We want BOTH Avis at 8k drops.
    We want ALL the avis in the monthly boxes.
    #nomoneymarch #nomoneyever
  20. Not big on the shards but good job guys none the less!! But those hunt avis and furniture omg I'm going to be broke!! I'm in love!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
    Jinger likes this.